1. J

    P38 rear airspring, bit of advise Please !

    that was to ignite the thing and was meant as an amusing throw away quip lol,
  2. J

    P38 rear airspring

    Hi guys, all done and am amazed how quick it goes to the settings, never been like that, must have been gone when I got the car, but same with all specialist vehicles, you have to learn its workings, and this site is the place to be if you happen to be a happy/unhappy owner of anything...
  3. J

    P38 rear airspring

    Thanks mate, all noted, am gonna go now and have a go, fingers crossed and hope theres orings in there ??? .. Joss
  4. J

    Bio Diesel

    So, what mpg are you getting from your diesel at the mo, and bio is only a few pence per litre cheaper ??
  5. J

    P38 rear airspring, bit of advise Please !

    Hi guys, goin out to have alook when I've finished mi cuppa, going armed, fairy liquid in one hand and a can of thinners in the other, I will be really p****d off if it needs to come off to check these "O" rings. Cause I will need to jack the axle down and take the bloody big wheel off, some...
  6. J

    P38 rear airspring, bit of advise Please !

    Hi mate, thanks for your reply, I never thought of an "O" ring, but makes sense. I did take out the collett but did not check for the ring, then put it back before fitting. I trimmed the pipe back behind the raised part of the pipe so that it is a clean cut and parallel, I aint yet tried to...
  7. J

    P38 rear airspring, bit of advise Please !

    Hi guys, just fitted a new airspring to the rear nearside and cant get the bloody airpipe to seal, I dont think its going far enough in, is there a tool that will grip the pipe to push it furthur in that will go through the stupid small working space provided. Or it could be that I have missed...
  8. J

    P38 rear airspring

    Hi guys, just fitted a new airspring to the rear nearside and cant get the bloody airpipe to seal, I dont think its going far enough in, is there a tool that will grip the pipe to push it furthur in that will go through the stupid small working space provided. Or it could be that I have missed...