1. noddy90

    oined in 2o11 as noddy90,sadly i no longer own that Landy,i now have Ursula my silver 7 seater disco

    oined in 2o11 as noddy90,sadly i no longer own that Landy,i now have Ursula my silver 7 seater disco
  2. noddy90

    noddy90 says hi

    Whoops got so carried away with the moment i spelt beat wrong:rolleyes:how silly of me.
  3. noddy90

    noddy90 says hi

    That has gone through my mind,im not a violent person,giving peple pain is against my principles i think they need help and understanding. BULL**** YOUR DEAD RIGHT BET THE LIVING **** OUTA THE LITTLE BATARDS There we go i feel bettr already for that.:D:D:D:D
  4. noddy90

    Landrover break in

    I can think of another place i would like to stand on :eek::D
  5. noddy90

    Landrover break in

    They are just scum of the earth,why do they do it cause they can,when they caught the little ****s one of them confessed ,whoopee doooo that makes me feel a whole lot better. Thinking on the lines of wiring me door handles to the mains electricity:scratching_chin: naah id only get sued by the...
  6. noddy90

    noddy90 says hi

    I just have to say i totally agree with your post,to get arrested by police is a badge of honour to these people [and thats being generous calling them people,not what i d like to call them.:mad:
  7. noddy90

    noddy90 says hi

    Well the police caught and charged the low life who did my landy,they got him by the imprints of his designer trainers on all of the other eight cars he smashed up,including some poor old age pensioners car. Just waiting to see what feeble punishment he gets now,then when he is back on the...
  8. noddy90

    noddy90 says hi

    Thats Noddy minus big ears:D:crazy_driver:
  9. noddy90

    Landrover break in

    Just leaves me angry and insecure now,have got big back yard that i made into garden,but now will have to clear it all out and put my landrover in there,then find thne money for two doors,i hate these ****s.
  10. noddy90

    Landrover break in

    hi,was advised to post this message,just to let you know that i live in Darlington,and last Friday in the early hours,some scumbag tried to take my landrover,they couldnt get doors open so left me with both doors on my pick up bent right out top and bottom.:mad:
  11. noddy90

    noddy90 says hi

    Got Landy broken into,gutted as they twisted both doors trying to get in:mad:
  12. noddy90

    noddy90 says hi

    Thanks for that,have done all and it seems ok again now,so it just remains to wish you a happy new year,:D
  13. noddy90

    noddy90 says hi

    Is that whats leaking,and what sort of repairs am i looking at,thanks Jean.
  14. noddy90

    noddy90 says hi

    Oh dear, Got into my landy this morning and the steering has gone all peculiar on me,can anyone give me some advice as to what it could be. First i tried pulling away and the steering has gone very heavy and as you turn the steering wheel there is a horrible grating noise,the steering seems...
  15. noddy90

    noddy90 says hi

    Last time i had that name was at school,aaahhhh fond memories,the other one was eugeane,:D
  16. noddy90

    noddy90 says hi

    Hi,i used a whole tin of lubricating spray on that seatbelt its been working ever since,thanks for tips:)
  17. noddy90

    noddy90 says hi

    Ahhhhhh, Forgotten how delightful being the proud owner of a landy was until my litle red defender pick up came into my life. Yesterday it managed to lock me in the cab,yes both doors refused to open,until i had pulled pushed and dragged the handles for a while,then out i plopped onto the...
  18. noddy90

    noddy90 says hi

    On a more serious note if i may:rolleyes:,how the heck do you get a drivers selt belt to mo ve when it seems to have wedged its self tight. Just picked up my little pick up and what do you know things start to play up on it. :confused:
  19. noddy90

    noddy90 says hi

    Lets hear it for landy girl power:D
  20. noddy90

    noddy90 says hi

    Got my cab,climbed in and there it was.:doh::D