1. L

    Hi all

    Can't say I blame you. I'm boring myself now. Laters
  2. L

    Hi all

    Does anyone on thread want to have a civil conversation?
  3. L

    Hi all

    What is the reason for me being banned?
  4. L

    Hi all

    That'll teach me to be nosey. Well funny though!!!!
  5. L

    Hi all

    Excuse my ignorance. What's a turn out?
  6. L

    Hi all

    Thought you'd gone to watch Emmerdale with the rest of 'em. If you keep a sharp eye out you get to see a Defender occasionally.
  7. L

    Hi all

    Ban the lot. He's a very naughty boy
  8. L

    Hi all

    ban both of us
  9. L

    Hi all

    Google theyre now. Think you meant they're. Here's a little tip for you, a squiggly red line underneath the word means it isn't right
  10. L

    Hi all

    Sorry just re read your post. You meant their not there. Now who's the idiot
  11. L

    Hi all

    Apologies mate. No need and I am ashamed. Please accept. As Father Jack said "Im so, so, sorrrry"
  12. L

    Hi all

    Yeah know what you mean now. Fortunately up here we don't have drive police who are paid to search the area for lost people taking wrong turns onto private drives by mistake and taking their vehicles off them for doing it more than once. I'd have a word with your M.P.
  13. L

    Hi all

    Thought you'd gone home
  14. L

    Hi all

    Tips on what Beasty? You're a bit vague on that.
  15. L

    Hi all

    If all else fails, resort to abuse. Wish I was at school still. Best days of ya life but we didn't know it. Some people on here should have attended more often
  16. L

    Hi all

    Maybe the tribes of the Amazon with their blow pipes etc would be more civil to strangers
  17. L

    Hi all

    Just took a look on LZIR. There's someone on there in Nuneaton offering free tea and cake to anyone who will help him with repairs to his car because it's hurting his hands. I wonder if Scott, Virgil, Brains and the rest of the Thunderbirds gang are aware of this. At long last They could retire.
  18. L

    Hi all

    No dear, quite wrong. Had maps and had researched as much as possible. All I did wrong was get a bit confused with the start of a couple of lanes. Like I said has no one else ever made a wrong turn. I bet most of you have on the road even when the streets are marked with signposts. Seems to...
  19. L

    Hi all

    Aint any of you ever took a wrong turn or used someones private land to do a quick u turn?
  20. L

    Hi all

    Phew. What a mistake that was. Saying hi to people, sharing my first laning experience, people thinking I had been to the Amazon rain forest, me explaining I hadn't strayed from flat earth and then being wished ill fortune and my car to be taken off me. I thought it was a friendly place to be