1. X

    Error Codes.

    Thanks for that. Does it plug in at the back of the pulley then? Is that the right sensor? If so, that's gonna be a PITA to remove, and beyond my skill level probably. Well, beyond what I'm comfortable doing at least.
  2. X

    What mileage is your Range Rover P38 on? (1994 to 2002)

    2000 4.0 with 138k on it.
  3. X

    Another what should I thread! (p38?/l322?)

    The problem your going to have is that almost any "luxury" motor at this budget will be old, and have it's own set of problems. I will admit though, would LOVE a nice 750iL too. That would make for an epic cruising machine. Realistically though, that might be too much car still. Audi A4 or...
  4. X

    Another what should I thread! (p38?/l322?)

    It doesn't sound like you have the budget / time really. Certainly for an L322. Any L322 that does pop up in budget is bound to have some issues needing almost immediate rectification. And you've already blown your budget getting the car. £4k should get a very nice diesel P38 (if that floats...
  5. X

    Error Codes.

    Ok. So disconnect and give it a clean then. Any guides anywhere on how to get to it / where it is? I have a copy of a workshop manual, but struggling to actually locate it.
  6. X

    Error Codes.

    Thanks for that. So, looking for a cam position sensor. I'm guessing that's what is keeping the engine light on, and the ever so slightly rough running. Having a look around, that is not a cheap sensor. Anyone know anywhere better than this? Land Rover parts, spares, Land Rover accessories...
  7. X

    Error Codes.

    Excellent post Marty. Thanks for explaining all that. Yes, it is a 2000 plate THOR 4.0. I should have put that in the first post. It was a cheap MAF I put in, but then the code was there before. So how do you know they don't like Bosch MAF's (since you asked me to ask). Hopefully the...
  8. X

    Error Codes.

    From my reading, it looks like it was fitted to non-NAS vehicles too, but with a slightly different configuration. For example, the Fuel Pump & Guage Sender Unit, incorporating fuel tank pressure sensor is NAS only, as is the CVS (Canister Vent Solenoid). Looks like most everything else may...
  9. X

    Error Codes.

    So, while I was changing out the brakes today (discs and pads all round), I came stuck when I realised that the calliper carriers were hooped. So while waiting on the order coming through for new ones, I gave the car a wee scan with a cheap, generic reader. Anyway, this is the results...
  10. X

    4.6 vs 2.5 tdi

  11. X

    Transmission oil service (4.0 Auto)

    Nothing fell off. It just started peeing transmission fluid out the joins. Like at the bottom, where the end cap is with the in and out ports, and then through the lever when pumping.
  12. X

    Transmission oil service (4.0 Auto)

    Bought that pump, and it fell apart on the first use. Well, 3rd pump to be fair. Now peeing transmission fluid everywhere. This service has been a right f****** nightmare. Sheared bolt heads, 2 days messing about trying to get them off. Snapped replacements bolts, new replacement bolts...
  13. X

    4.6 vs 2.5 tdi

    He gets it ^^^
  14. X

    4.6 vs 2.5 tdi

    Obviously this is going off topic here, but I will butt in on that point. Smoking MAKES money for the government. FAR more than it COSTS the NHS. From ASH's own literature... Of course, England is only around what? 80-85% of the UK? So add another 15% onto that 2 billion, so £2.6 billion...
  15. X

    4.6 vs 2.5 tdi

    Just a quote from somewhere... To say the diesel engine (in general) is more reliable than a petrol is absurd. There is little between them in all honesty nowadays. (Equivalent) Petrol engines MAY be cheaper to repair, due to the nature of the different parts, but then again, the liner issues...
  16. X

    4.6 vs 2.5 tdi

  17. X

    4.6 vs 2.5 tdi

    And when was the last time a turbo went on one of these P38 diesels? How about the last time one went on the V8? Oh yeah, the V8 doesn't have one to go wrong... I never said it was inherently more or less reliable. Just that there are some parts that are more expensive to maintain or...
  18. X

    4.6 vs 2.5 tdi

    I never said I wasn't a bit of a d**k to be fair. I do drive a Range Rover and a BMW. What else could I be? :confused: I take your point on the V8 though. Just because I averaged 20 (on petrol, I ran mine mostly on LPG which only got me around 14 mpg) doesn't mean that's an average figure...
  19. X

    4.6 vs 2.5 tdi

    No. I would NEVER have bought a P38 for status and show. Why would I buy a £2k car, that is within the buying reach of pretty much anyone with a job, for status and show? A Late L322 or early 405 might achieve this, but a P38? It was bought because our 5 series estate isn't big enough...
  20. X

    Discs and pads

    That's fine. Hence why I was asking. I would rather pay £30 more to get better quality. So I'll go look them up now. Thanks. By fitting cheaper parts, I really meant I wasn't up for fitting genuine discs and pads, or brembo or similar, that while maybe excellent, cost at least double...