1. Speedy6111

    Experimenting with a bikini top - costs and benefits

    Yes - just the sharktooth rail and front hoop. But it’s only the bikini not a full tilt. And I’ve got the straps tensioned quite tight. Shape seems fine and it doesn’t flap at speed at all.
  2. Speedy6111

    Experimenting with a bikini top - costs and benefits

    Brief update: I’ve had the bikini on and off a couple of times. Taking it off is 2 mins, putting back perhaps 5. Single handed is fine, quicker with 2. I’m very happy with the ease and flexibility. No rain tests yet though! No wear at all on the straps that I have attached to the tub (see...
  3. Speedy6111

    Series 2 Value of a S2 in a field..

    Thanks. I didn’t know this, so that’s useful info. I guess the same problem may apply to all the steel underneath, possibly even wheel rims and brake lines, exhaust etc.
  4. Speedy6111

    Series 2 Value of a S2 in a field..

    ‘Fraid not. I wasn’t really invited to look at it, so my time spent to form the impressions above were about 60 seconds...
  5. Speedy6111

    Experimenting with a bikini top - costs and benefits

    @Sputnik01 - good idea. How did you attach the anchor nut? Rivets? Similar but different - on the chain plates for the tailgate - there was originally a pin and split pin arrangement to hold the chain to the chain plate. I wanted to be able to remove the chain without removing the plate from...
  6. Speedy6111

    Series 2 Value of a S2 in a field..

    Quick update: spoke to the owner today. Turns out he is just storing it for his brother...who left it on his lawn. 20 years ago!!!!!! The householder wants it gone and has given me details for the brother. A quick look at the beast. Can’t see underneath due to long grass and flat tires...
  7. Speedy6111

    Experimenting with a bikini top - costs and benefits

    Thanks all. Yes, the edge of the tube may be an issue. So far it seems fine. At least the strap that goes through the tube is completely separate from the main hood - it’s just providing a mounting point for the slide buckle. If it does fray unexpectedly I just need 10 inches of webbing to...
  8. Speedy6111

    Experimenting with a bikini top - costs and benefits

    Ok. Marine slide buckles arrived. Here is the first experiment. The two spare bits of webbing drop down inside the tubes on the tub and are joined at the bottom with a buckle. The buckle is too large to slide up the tubes. The rest is self explanatory, but I will reiterate that putting...
  9. Speedy6111

    Series 2 Value of a S2 in a field..

    Fair point. Google streetview shows it hasn’t moved for 3 years at least so I don’t think there is any risk that it’s someones weekend fun - at least from a driving perspective!
  10. Speedy6111

    Series 2 Value of a S2 in a field..

    @Citizen Kane - yes marine blue so I think we are talking about the same beasty. @suburban - love the idea of offering to do them a favour!! Totally understand it’s potentially a money pit and nightmare in waiting. If it could be got for cheap and given a bit of tlc it could be fun. To be...
  11. Speedy6111

    Experimenting with a bikini top - costs and benefits

    @flat @neilly - thank you both - comments noted! I’m waiting for various bits to arrive so I can update early next week when they are here. I’ll get some staples too ;-)
  12. Speedy6111

    Series 2 Value of a S2 in a field..

    I’ve found a S2 88” 1968 2.25 petrol that has been sitting for at least 3 years. Possible station wagon spec - it’s got rear windows and a safari roof and looks completely original from the outside. I haven’t been able to inspect it. I’m considering knocking on the door and seeing if they want...
  13. Speedy6111

    Experimenting with a bikini top - costs and benefits

    @flat - thanks for the photos they help and confirm that the staple placement is too inboard for my liking. @dag019 - yes, I’d already considered bolts rather than rivets. As to the securing buckle - they are pretty weak, and will hold a strap in place but aren’t much good for pulling against...
  14. Speedy6111

    Experimenting with a bikini top - costs and benefits

    Thank you - yes I’d be interested to see that. On tension - the goal here is to be able to remove the bikini quickly as well as put it back. So I feel I need some way to slacken then retighten the straps like you would with a tent guy line. Once the canvas has shrunk I’ll still need that...
  15. Speedy6111

    Experimenting with a bikini top - costs and benefits

    Thanks very much for this. I did consider this approach but I want two things from the mounting points: more toward the corners so the diagonal straps clear the rear seats better. Secondly more strength than rivets so I can get some good tension in the straps. I have a plan that I think will...
  16. Speedy6111

    Experimenting with a bikini top - costs and benefits

    Hi again. Hoop arrived today, so I’ve been able to get everything mounted. It was a straight forward exercise. I did need to drill the shark tooth to accept the staples onto which the hood tension straps attach. The two back straps need some fixing points which I’m working out. For now they are...
  17. Speedy6111

    Experimenting with a bikini top - costs and benefits

    I just bought the catches. Capping and holes were already in place. Does that help?
  18. Speedy6111

    Experimenting with a bikini top - costs and benefits

    Good day today, lots of progress. Firstly a huge shout to @btiratsoo who provided me a tailgate, sharktooth rail and various small parts at knockdown prices- and then threw in a bunch more stuff for free. We had a great chat and he showed me his excellent S3. Thanks Ben! Hood arrived from...
  19. Speedy6111

    Experimenting with a bikini top - costs and benefits

    Glad you are enjoying it. I’m sure if the weather was consistently better here we’d all be running soft tops all the time! Useful info about the belt hooks. Mine are inertial reel and just over the shoulder the bulkhead.
  20. Speedy6111

    Experimenting with a bikini top - costs and benefits

    That is good! I don’t think I even knew such a thing existed. Having poked around the various suppliers recently I don’t recall seeing anything like this. Where did you get yours?