1. B

    Yet another EAS question - but not the usual???

    Hi all, Thanks for all the useful pointers. I am need using a USB link so is sounds as if the comms are not good. The fault codes are 'new' however (if that makes any difference??). I am going to get her jacked up in the morning, test the height sensors, check all the bags, lines &...
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    Yet another EAS question - but not the usual???

    Thanks Saint, I really appreciate the help! I shall have a look at RSW and check if i am set up correctly - hopefully have an update in the morning. Cheers again Bobbles.
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    Yet another EAS question - but not the usual???

    Think i have managed to attach a summary of the codes now.
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    Yet another EAS question - but not the usual???

    Hi Saint, I cant seem to paste the screen shot into the text box - i can list all the faults as they appear on the RSW unlock software if that may help???
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    Yet another EAS question - but not the usual???

    Hi Saint, Thanks for the quick post! The bags are ca75,000mies old - but appear to be in reasonable condition (saving for a new set already!) Height sensors also seem to be functioning ok. Battery also fine. The faut codes appear to be a jumbled mess - including 'valve stuck closed' 'sensor...
  6. B

    Yet another EAS question - but not the usual???

    Hi all, I have recently purchased a lowly 2000 P38 4.6ltr (petrol ouch!!) - I have also unfortunately had a we of the common problems with the EAS, but can't seem to fix it long term. I am hoping that your collective wisdom and greater experience may be able to save me from what feels like...