1. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    Working on it, the drives just a bit crowded at the minute with all the family home
  2. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    'with a bit of effort you can do anything' is that not the right way of thinking?
  3. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    Admittedly it is soon, but if you have the means and the money why not? and i should say my first car was not exactly anything too extra, but i will always miss that little UP!
  4. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    I've spoken to a guy who does a lot too freelanders, and he said its just about finding a good balance, plus im not looking for anything excessive in terms of lift
  5. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    You aren't wrong it is black boxed, but if your clever about it you can save yourself a bit of money, for me i just tacked it onto my old policy and then got rid of the old one from it, and the price never went up by more than £40 a month, god knows what ill do next year, best start saving again...
  6. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    Unluckily enough for me i just had to work hard and save, altogether it was £15,000 after some haggling, i wish my parents were generous to hand down a car ;) If your willing to forgo other things, all the weekend jobs and now my apprenticeship, really add up
  7. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    I dont get your problem with me, but thanks for showing me that there really are arseholes everywhere on the Internet
  8. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    Actually I got one guy who put me in contact with someone who is starting to expand into the evoque market with offroad equipment, and I think I'm going to see where that goes so thanks to that guy, apologies I can't remember his name
  9. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    Why comment then? I dont get your problem?
  10. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    Why do you just go find somewhere useful to be, instead of trying get a rise off me
  11. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    Sorry pal, think you need to calm it we all like land rovers, you must have a pretty **** life if me trying to do something a bit different with my car is that bothersome too you lmao, Anyway hope you enjoy your day mate
  12. Carter4365

    Hello! New to the Land Rover World

    I'm already covered like, but they only expect to be notified for none cosmetic stuff
  13. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    plus i think land rover have realised that they need to diversify, so the evoque is different, its a small SUV, compared to a big range rover it isnt much, but next to the equivalent from ford, its just in a different league, so i think you need to look at it from a multi brand stand point...
  14. Carter4365

    Hello! New to the Land Rover World

    luckily my insurance are pretty good with mods, they just ask that you submit a report to one of their mech people, i mean it is a policy for new drivers generally in little VW UP!'s or whatever and they have probably never had anything like this, but its mainly going to be cosmetic stuff this...
  15. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    Don't get me started mate, i bought mine in Feb, admittedly used, but last week the DPF went through no fault of mine, and the dealer tried charging me 2500 for the repair, luckily land rover agreed to pay, but still, 1000 miles after it was bought and they expect a £2500 repair payment
  16. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    I mean no offence when i say this, but utter crap that mate, ahahahaha for me that attitude is just completely off, the evoque and ill admit i may be slightly biased, is exactly what the brand needed, yes its on the cheaper end of the spectrum, but getting young people to be able to buy these...
  17. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    Cheers big man, and believe me, I dont know if im quite ready to take an angle grinder too it ;)
  18. Carter4365

    Hello! New to the Land Rover World

    I'm sure it will go up next year
  19. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    I just had a look from your first link, at the very least it shows theyve started with evoque stuff :)