1. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    Still trying to insinuate that because I have a nice car I must've been given it by mummy and daddy I see. Some people just work hard, save, and forgo things other people have... yes I managed to get a good paying job quite young, maybe you should try praising hard work rather than trying to put...
  2. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    Its uses the service name of foxhound in the British army FYI, but yes it is the Ocelot, i think they've been pretty well received from what i know, but my only friend in the British army is a helicopter engineer so i am not an authority.
  3. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    Think that shows a lack of interest for them, budget cuts and all that, and i think they mostly sell off the armoured ones if im not mistaken.. just cause they arent useful and why use an armoured one to guard a british RAF base, its not like they need the armour ;)
  4. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    very true, i was on about the army :), but those non front line roles, why by new when its so easy to fix and gives your new recruits something to practice on..? Especially for an army on a budget. Also do the Coastguard really count as a part of the military? ;)
  5. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    It should be said as well, the army don't need land rovers much anymore, they came to the end of their usefulness on foreign soil when IED's and explosives became more widespread, modern wars need specialist vehicles which are built for war, that takes a lot of investment as others have said...
  6. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    i fear i havent made myself clear, the stuff which is compatible is stuff like guards, racks, and that side of things ;) apologies for the confusion
  7. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    why not make your car look how you want it too? plus for now, all i can do is work on the image till i can work out what if anything i can do to improve the thing ;)
  8. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    Luckily i've been in contact with a guy who does a lot of Freelander mods, whos looking to expand into evoque stuff, although a fair amount of freelander stuff should be if not compatable, but very close too. Hes unsure about the lightbar too, but may as well try and figure it out if possible...
  9. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    They are a bit of an icon ;)
  10. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    Everyone on here is so moody lmao, I'm happy with what i have and if you don't like it or cant be helpful just leave it there ey ;) , always good to get people offering safety advice, but just because you dont like the car or whatever grudge you have here, idc
  11. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    I dont understand how people have such a hard time understanding, sometimes things are just for the look.... cheers tho lad
  12. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    i think you might be right, but again luckily i've got a bit of outside help so we'll just have to see what works best when it comes round too it, cheers for the advice though
  13. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    oh aye, believe me im not rushing, if you go back to the start i was only asking for the light bar and too see if its even possible to lift the thing ;)
  14. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    aye i will do, although it seems too me it might take a fair while to get anything done at the minute.
  15. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    Like i said mate, i have no idea, i learnt to write simple code in college but its something too work on, however i am lucky that i have a mate who does a lot of work on that side of vehicles so i have an easy way out there. In terms of new cars getting you there, just a little joke my friend...
  16. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    I think your imagining i have some problem with you, just calm it, im new how should i know your a comp hardware designer ;) , you lot all need to calm down, and just for the record i have no idea, just open to try and work with new stuff, there isnt enough old land rovers for everyone, and even...
  17. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    You don't 'HAVE' to buy one mate, but the electronics are the future, and you can always learn how to use and mess around with all that stuff too, anythings possible with some effort like, just a new set of skills
  18. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    Since its not long since i was in the garage, the dealer said that they think the Special Vehicle Department, will be working on stuff like that, how true that is i dont know...
  19. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    aye i will dont worry ;) just got to find an excuse to go somewhere i can actually get round the side of it
  20. Carter4365

    Evoque Need some help with my Range Rover Evoque 2016 Diesel

    aye I have goals, but things change for safety i get that, as for that range i think ive seen it before, its a bond car no?