1. B

    Propshaft peril

    If the Mad Hatter is right, and the TVB000100 fits, then you can save yourself £140. I'm not sure why it's listed as manual box only. But the TVB000220 is the OE replacement for the later TD5s. Unless LR are even more useless, you'd have to think the later shaft would be a better design? Maybe...
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    viscous fan isuess

    Viscous fans are ****e.
  3. B

    Front Shockers

    Sorry for the stupid question. Done a search but can't find this. When I replace the front shockers on my '03 TD5 auto, is it a straight out-and-in or are there any wearable bits that I should do at the same time? Thanks Jock
  4. B

    Propshaft peril

    Meant to say... remember and get a set of new nylock nuts and bolts. Should be well under a tenner. ...And the TVB000100 is the manual box. I believe you can fit it, but need to change the output flange on the transfer box, which I guess you don't want to do.
  5. B

    Propshaft peril

    I have an '03 TD5 auto and the shaft was TVB000220. Cheapest I could find was my local indy Dingocroft who supplied for 290+vat. Paddocks and Mail Order 4x4 both do them for under 300. Buy before the 22nd! VAT goes up!
  6. B

    Shock Absorbers to recommend?

    Sorry geezer, type. It's an '03 Disco and I replaced the air springs! Coils on the front, which I don't intend to replace, just the shockers. Jock
  7. B

    Shock Absorbers to recommend?

    I just fiited Bilstein B6 gas shockers to my '93 Disco. Have only done the rear, but the difference was incredible. I was replacing original equipment at 49k miles mind you. The most noticable difference was over speedbumps, how quickly and gently the back end settles. I really couldn't believe...
  8. B

    Automatic Gearbox Flashing selector

    Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but can oldzed (or anyone else) tell me how easy the switch was to adjust? Is it adjusted by movement while on the box, or is it a take out, adjust and refit? Thanks, Jock
  9. B

    Plastic Wheel Arch Mouldings

    I got exactly the same problem... I tried "Back to Black" but it really should be called "Back to Slightly Darker Grey". Still look tired. I am thinking a bit of fine sandpaper and then matt black paint instead.
  10. B

    TD5 Auto Box - no power on morning start

    It sounds like your box is going into "limp" mode, which, to quote the manual, "greatly reduces vehicle performance". It is usually caused by a sensor failure - most commonly the "xyz" switch. Mine was doing it due to the xyz not displaying properly on start up, I'd pull out of the drive and it...
  11. B

    EGR valve done

    Just bypassed the EGR on my '03 Disco. Have to say I wouldn't class that as an easy job. Every bolt is a complete b**tard to get to. Here's my sequence of events: 1. Despite buying a good quality 5mm hex driver, promptly rounded bolt on exhaust EGR pipe flange. Great start. Since its got an EGR...
  12. B

    EGR Removal

    Thanks, I'll download this and burn it. Working off a RAVE that I bought off E-Bay for £1.50. It covers Defender, Disco 2, Freelander and the P38, but it does not have that EGR cooler on it! Will let you know.
  13. B

    EGR Removal

    That's exactly what's on mine. The manual I have however only talks about Type 1 and 2, with Type 2 having an ILT valve as well. On both versions, there is just a straight EGR pipe. No ocurrances of "EU3" in the whole book either. That's annoying, as it makes me wonder when I'll next run up...
  14. B

    EGR Removal

    That's what I thought! Any idea why it's not mentioned in the manuals? As you say, just disconnect and leave in place. Thanks for sorting that out!
  15. B

    EGR Removal

    I know this one has been done to death, but I've been searching the forum and there's something I'm not sure about. I checked out the motor today to make sure I knew where everything was before removing the EGR kit. But instead of an "EGR Pipe" as shown in the workshop manual, there is a...
  16. B

    Disco 2 air spring deflation for removal

    I couldn't get a spanner on the nut at the top of the airbag at all - not enough space. Maybe me spanner's just too big. I used a Bradawl which makes a small hole so it didn't deflate too quickly, but I did have to go a bit Norman Bates cos it took so long!
  17. B

    Disco 2 Front Propshaft

    Guys I took off the front propshaft tonight in prep for the new one going on tomorrow night (if I'm home in time). Can I pick your brains with a couple of questions? 1. The bolts on the gearbox end seem to be captive, and there's a circlip type thing holding them in place. I guess I just...
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    The one I was thinking of was a US company Rovertym. They replied to my email pretty sharp and...

    The one I was thinking of was a US company Rovertym. They replied to my email pretty sharp and said they would ship direct to anywhere in the UK for about $50. The 2" spacer kit for the Disco is $150. Here's the link: rte product page
  19. B

    CHECK THIS: Shafted shaft!

    You were spot on, Urban. I was going to check out the whole train anyway because of the noise, but your comment made me check the front shaft straight away. I reckon one more drive would've burst it. By the way - I'm guessing the discovery2 web site is yours? Nice site geezer. Good effort to...
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    Cheers sierrafery. Am I right in thinking that wind-up only happens between front and rear? Suppose I get the difflock on and the shaft off, and drive like that for a short while, there'd be no probs with winding anything up.