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    R380 stumpy conversion

    You are a gent
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    R380 stumpy conversion

    Any idea what length they should/could be?
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    R380 stumpy conversion

    Hi all need some help!! Just fitting a new r380 stumpy gearbox which replaced my lt77. Gearbox is in but having trouble with the slave cylinder. It won't fit!! It won't seat properly it sticks out about 2cm. What slave cylinder should I be using? Engine is a 300tdi out of a discovery and the...
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    Low clutch on 300tdi after engine swap

    Checked clutch fluid level today as there was none in there! Faulty clutch slave cylinder me thinks!
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    Low clutch on 300tdi after engine swap

    Just after some help!!! I've have a 1987 Landrover 110 and ive just done a 300 tdi conversion I've kept the lt77 gearbox and changed the clutch and release bearing at the same time. My problem is the bite on the clutch is very low still changes gear ok. I've changed the slave cylnder but sill...
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    300tdi misfire 3000rpm

    It turned out to be a air leak in the fuel pipe going to the tank! All sorted now!
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    300 tdi engine knock!

    Thought it was about time I posted what the problem was so here goes!! The noise was due to the fact that the cambelt idler puller was hanging off! The cambelt jumped few teeth and engine was knocking its tits off!! The cambelt had worn half way through also. I was seriously lucky she didn't go...
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    Just after some help!!! I've have a 1987 Landrover 110 and ive just done a 300 tdi conversion...

    Just after some help!!! I've have a 1987 Landrover 110 and ive just done a 300 tdi conversion I've kept the lt77 gearbox and changed the clutch and release bearing at the same time. My problem is the bite on the clutch is very low still changes gear ok. I've changed the slave cylnder but sill...
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    300tdi misfire 3000rpm

    Just a quick up date It's not just when it's under load but it's more pronounced under load! Booked in in with local diesel specialist to check turbo boost etc.
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    300tdi misfire 3000rpm

    Morning all just after a little help with my 95 300tdi. It's started to miss fire at 3000 rpm when under load. It starts spluttering like it's running out of fuel then a puff of blue smoke out the back ( think it even make a cracking sound) Intercooler pipes recently replaced, new lift pump...
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    300 tdi lack of power after injection pump change!

    Update! Set timing back to standard with 10mm pin. Tweaked pump by turning starwheel in by 1 turn. 1 full turn in on the smoke screw. Now it's pretty good! Minimal smoke also!
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    300 tdi lack of power after injection pump change!

    I've tried advancing and retarding timing to see if there's a difference and seems to make no difference just engine noise. Think I might check the hoses to see if there is any leaks. Will sort this if it kills me!
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    300 tdi lack of power after injection pump change!

    Yep there on the right way!
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    300 tdi lack of power after injection pump change!

    Removed cambelt and adjusted pump pulley a couple of cogs. Got the adjustment I wanted but still down on power. Engine just gets louder using 8mm timing pin and really growls with 6mm! Do you you think the pump needs a little tweak as there is no smoke at all even when hammering it? Cheers
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    300 tdi lack of power after injection pump change!

    Thought it would only go on one way!
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    300 tdi lack of power after injection pump change!

    Thought I might have to take belt off again! Im getting quicker each time! Cracked off banjo and got covered in fuel! So I take it from that is got a good fuel supply! Forgot to mention I also changed fuel lift pump at the same time as injection pump. So I'll strip it all down again and move the...
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    300 tdi lack of power after injection pump change!

    Checked timing and it's spot on. Tried to advance timing alittle using 8mm drill bit to see if it made a difference in power but I can't turn it to the right it seems to be on maximum adjustment! Is there a way of adjusting this? Cheers all!
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    300 tdi lack of power after injection pump change!

    Thanks for the advice. I'm going to have a play tomorrow! Will check timing first and work back from there! Thanks again
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    300 tdi lack of power after injection pump change!

    Morning all, just wondering if anyone can help? I've just swapped my injection pump with used one off fleabay and I have no power! Very sluggish its like driving a 2.5 na! Its almost like the turbo isn't boosting properly. Apparently the pump is standard with no tweaks. Before I tweak it I was...
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    300 tdi engine knock!

    Finially sorted! The problem was the cambelt idler pulley had worked loose! Causing the camshaft to jump a tooth. Half the belt was missing! I was very lucky it didn't snap! Redone it now using locktight! Fingers crossed should be all good now!