1. T

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    I've got a 286 and an amiga 500 still going lol
  2. T

    Off Road Capability of a Standard Range'

    Have a look for the camel trophy and g4 challenge. Those are pretty extreme
  3. T

    Other Noooooooo

    Yes lol I have. It seems to have vanished. I'm now here using Firefox with abp add on. No more ads. It seems chrome does not have much for it. Wonder why :rolleyes:
  4. T

    Other Noooooooo

  5. T

    1994 RRC Classic LSE Viscous Coupling or Electronic Diff broken?

    It seems the site has a problem
  6. T

    Other Noooooooo

    It's actuall
  7. T

    Other Noooooooo

    Brave blocker is now a browser. Won't use it. Bahhhh
  8. T

    Other Noooooooo

    It's actually worse on here than fb, which i hardly ever use.
  9. T

    Other Noooooooo

    It's actually worse on here than fb, which i hardly ever use.
  10. T

    Other Noooooooo

    Mobile site doesn't show post numbers ;) lol. Yes I can count :)
  11. T

    Other Noooooooo

    Saying adblock doesn't help. There are loads called that :( Any specific ones please. Needs to be a background app, not a browser
  12. T

    Other Noooooooo

    I've gone back to chrome after using Firefox. Need recommendation for an ad blocker that is seperate to browsers please. Android btw
  13. T

    Other Noooooooo

    On the subject of ads, it's getting increasingly annoying the amount being shown. :(
  14. T

    Other Noooooooo

    Just had this come up on the ads
  15. T

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Mine still turns, luckily, but i think it needs changing :( Did the transfer neutral and front wheel off the ground test. It turns, but feels stiff-ish.
  16. T

    Trans fail safe msg

    Isnt the TD6 the one with the weak gearbox?
  17. T

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Mega peed off now though. I think my VCU has given up the ghost :(
  18. T

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Why would i do that when ive just fitted a new viscous unit ;)
  19. T

    viscous fan???

    Just to confirm that ERR2266 works. I fitted one to mine today. Mine had allen head bolts. Nicely seized in so had to grind them off. Easy job too. Made my own tool to hold the pulley. Just unbolt the rail holding the cables at the top of the front engine and it will wiggle through the gap...
  20. T

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Fitted a new Viscous Fan unit today ERR2266 as suggested in another thread. Perfect fit. Now doesnt sound like a jet taking off :)