1. Iwandavies351

    TD5 gearbox remap?

    If I fit a V8 gearbox ECU in my td5, what changes will I expect? will it change sooner? i.e. at lower revs, will stay in the gear longer and not cick down under laod? i.e. Towing up hill? Thank you.
  2. Iwandavies351

    Using disco 2 td5 auto in manual mode/High

    Hi, i have 265, 70 R16 on her. Only one size bigger, no remap and she has plenty of power when she works for me, towing and off roading. also, the fuel economy is a bit s@#"t, I get about 19mpg at best, drops to 16mpg when towing. Would remaping sort that out as well? Any help or advise...
  3. Iwandavies351

    Using disco 2 td5 auto in manual mode/High

    The reason is two fold. Firstly, i use the disco around my local town and barly reaches 30 to allow a change up to 3rd. Secondly, i also tow a horse box a lot around hilly roads, thus when going up hill, it kicks down out of lockup to 4th or even 3rd and revs its bo#%%ks off untill i reach a...
  4. Iwandavies351

    Using disco 2 td5 auto in manual mode/High

    Has anyone ever tried to manipulate the Hi/Low switch to make the Disco think its in low at all times so that manual mode can be used when Hi is selected? if so, was it successful and also worth it?
  5. Iwandavies351

    3 amigos

    Mystery solved, i had an alternator fitted not long ago, a c@!p Napa and the regulator has gone, so as i rev it up high, it over volts to 18v. Thus, 3 amigos comes on. Waiting for mew alternator and get it fitted. Thank you all for you time and advice.
  6. Iwandavies351

    3 amigos

    Cheer Kev, will do, its one of my jobs this weekend. Will update when I have an answer of some sorts. :) Iwan
  7. Iwandavies351

    3 amigos

    Thank you both for your feedback. Last night, I had a revelation. I was showing my friend the fault and the door was open with interior light on. When the 3 amigos popped up, the interior light went out. I know that the SLABS ECU is connected to the doors. Just wondering, could this be...
  8. Iwandavies351

    3 amigos

    It ran and still runs nice, if not better. I think EGR switch off worked with that. I will try voltage check on fuse F28. What am i looking for and what does F28 protect? Thank you for getting back to me.
  9. Iwandavies351

    3 amigos

    Hi all, i have an odd one. I tried to have my D2 td5 remaped to stage one. Once done, took it for a run and caused fuel starvation and kangarooing all over the shop. Took it back and reset to factory. EGR has been switched off and running a little better than before. Now, when i rev about...