1. B

    Loud bang, grinding noise , no drive. Gearbox , transfer box or driveshaft ?

    Is this the oil fill plug on the gearbox or is there one on the IRD ?
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    Loud bang, grinding noise , no drive. Gearbox , transfer box or driveshaft ?

    Looks like I'll be giving it a go, thanks
  3. B

    Loud bang, grinding noise , no drive. Gearbox , transfer box or driveshaft ?

    Thanks Nodge, I'm having a hell of a time trying to find somebody here to fit it. At this rate I'll be trying to do it myself... By "lower tie bar" do you mean the lower wishbone with two bolts ? I'm fairly clueless , but I've read up on removing the driveshaft
  4. B

    Loud bang, grinding noise , no drive. Gearbox , transfer box or driveshaft ?

    Does the gearbox have to come out to fit the IRD ?
  5. B

    Loud bang, grinding noise , no drive. Gearbox , transfer box or driveshaft ?

    Thanks Nodge, I'll give it a go tomorrow, wouldn't be good to order the IRD which is 1000km away only to find it was the driveshaft ! Thanks for your help.
  6. B

    Loud bang, grinding noise , no drive. Gearbox , transfer box or driveshaft ?

    It appears to be inside the IRD, differential I guess
  7. B

    Loud bang, grinding noise , no drive. Gearbox , transfer box or driveshaft ?

    Correct That's good That's what I thought I'm not sure, I'll check It's looking like that is the best option, but I guess I'd better pull the driveshafts first ? Thanks for taking the time to give me a clear understanding of what the problem may be. I really appreciate it very much.
  8. B

    Loud bang, grinding noise , no drive. Gearbox , transfer box or driveshaft ?

    As the car is only 2WD at the moment, all the tyre wear stuff is largely irrelevant, I previously had a Range Rover, Land rover series 3 and a Jeep cherokee, never had any troubles with these vehicles or heard of any tyre related problems.....
  9. B

    Loud bang, grinding noise , no drive. Gearbox , transfer box or driveshaft ?

    I've just been out to have a look, with the engine running and the car in gear, I can see the output from the IRD to the propshaft is turning. Also, if I try to put the car in park with the engine running it makes a nasty grinding noise as if the park "pin" is trying to engage but can't. Not...
  10. B

    Loud bang, grinding noise , no drive. Gearbox , transfer box or driveshaft ?

    Thanks for your replies guys, am I correct in thinking that just replacing the whole IRD would cover all those problems ?
  11. B

    Loud bang, grinding noise , no drive. Gearbox , transfer box or driveshaft ?

    Its FWD because the VCU pretty much locked up which actually caused the rear diff to fail,actually about 5 years ago now (didn't realize it was that long}, I was on the way to Russia, so I removed the propshaft.
  12. B

    Loud bang, grinding noise , no drive. Gearbox , transfer box or driveshaft ?

    Thanks for your reply Nodge68, as I mentioned I've been front wheel drive only for the last couple of years, so presumably my tyres aren't to blame. I was aware of that potential pitfall. I've managed to locate a second hand unit for about 80 quid, does anyone know if it's a big job replacing it...
  13. B

    Loud bang, grinding noise , no drive. Gearbox , transfer box or driveshaft ?

    Help please ! I was driving along in my Freelander 1 this morning when suddenly there was a loud bang followed by a metallic grinding and a complete loss of drive, got it home on truck. I thought it was the gearbox gone, but the tow truck driver said he thinks it is where the driveshaft joins...
  14. B

    Td4 broken fuel line connectors

    Update: I fixed it ! I actually needed 2 T connectors and a 4 way connector, not sure how long it will last but for now it doesn't leak. I had to get a bit creative to join the plastic pipes , I ended up putting a metal insert inside the plastic pipe and a rubber hose secured with hose clamps...
  15. B

    Td4 broken fuel line connectors

    I think I need a 4 way connector and a 3 way. Finding a complete pair of fuel lines here at the moment would be difficult and out of my budget...
  16. B

    Td4 broken fuel line connectors

    Yep, it's an ugly 2002 :-)