1. choppa

    Roof Work Lights and Wiring

    gorrit .... :rolleyes:
  2. choppa

    Roof Work Lights and Wiring

    yeh thats the one ....:D
  3. choppa

    Roof Work Lights and Wiring

    its alus entertanin when mondos on his period ... fookin amazin mood swings :rolleyes: he'll putta woman to shame ...
  4. choppa

    Roof Work Lights and Wiring

    cheers mondo i'll have that quote ....:D
  5. choppa

    Freelander TD4 2001 Fuel line connector

    yer askin in the wrong section , get ya self down to the freelander bit and ask there .... and a quick introduction and a hello would have been nice ...
  6. choppa

    2 outstanding websites....................

    strange that aint it ..??
  7. choppa

    2 outstanding websites....................

    LRB you say......
  8. choppa

    Which is the best landrover ever

    fook i gone all poetic ... i think i'v ate summat wots give me the verbal squits ..... but i am in a good mood , the birds are in the trees and so forth ... :D
  9. choppa

    Which is the best landrover ever

    its so i dont have to tell ya .... i'm quite shy i am and i find it diftiticult beeing onist with stuff what needs to be said out in the hopen . i'm not the open type of bloke ya see and crap worra say on ere shud be takened with a punch of salt . i'm hackshulyy quite proud of ya fer...
  10. choppa

    Which is the best landrover ever

    probbly not this time .... but ya never know....
  11. choppa

    Which is the best landrover ever

    thankyou 90boy
  12. choppa

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    he'll never do it , the stingin would be to much fer him ...... poor mite..:eek:
  13. choppa

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    yes it duz .... yer right ... my name is choppa and i'm a lazy git.....
  14. choppa

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    well that is true , a bit .......ok a lot..:D
  15. choppa

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    thinkin crap is stoppin me sleepin , why dya think i aint at work ....:D
  16. choppa

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    dunt think man fergodsake , wots the matter with ya ???? duz no good at all..:D
  17. choppa

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    i looked at mine through the widow and thought fook it i cant be assed ...
  18. choppa

    Hi there!

    hello mr gimbo wlcome on board ... ignore mr chipmonk , hes alus wrong ...
  19. choppa

    Which is the best landrover ever

    thier is a florrrrrr in yer post chipmonk...... its alll crap..... :rolleyes: nice try tho...:D
  20. choppa

    station wagon for truck cab

    angle grinder ??? jesus thats posh , normaly a gas axe would be used with a big ammer chaser ...:D