1. Jay reKx

    Wiring trailer board onto back of Defender?

    if its going to be there permanently, why not just wire it in permanently? this is what I would do or perhaps with bullet connectors or owt like so it can be disconnected if nessecary
  2. Jay reKx

    Simply Land Rover

  3. Jay reKx

    how do i delete my username

    please dont go, knoblet. your threads are far too amusing http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f16/goodyear-wrangler-tyres-230966.html
  4. Jay reKx

    how do i delete my username

    oh. was this me? http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f16/michelin-tyres-230956.html my bad :hysterically_laughi
  5. Jay reKx

    michelin tyres

    dunno. I prefer black ones, they go faster.
  6. Jay reKx

    freelander towing caravan

    that is brilliant :hysterically_laughi
  7. Jay reKx

    Why do things wait till the morning of the MOT to break?!

    mate took his S2 to mot yesterday morning, on the way there the clutch went :rolleyes: on my car the nearside motor factor CV boot has split right before the mot, and again immediately after every mot retest since I've had it, but no problems for the 11 months in between.
  8. Jay reKx

    50th Anniversary Disco

    that not what '50th anniversary' means. that is simply the trim level they introduced when land rover reached 50 years old :rolleyes:
  9. Jay reKx

    Hmm. Convertible.

    i'd quite fancy a ragtop D1 or RRC if it was done better than that. the first FB pic I looked at and thought hmm ... maybe? but then I slapped myself. hard. It is just wrong. the colour of the roof is just wrong, the shape is just wrong, the whole thing is a big lump of wrong ... fair play for...
  10. Jay reKx

    Disco 2 axle stands

    yes you do; using a cold chisel as a hot chisel will feck the temper and it'll no longer be a cold chisel, just a soft useless lump ;)
  11. Jay reKx

    Sudden Knocking Noise

    have a wriggle underneath and check for play, nice day to do it!
  12. Jay reKx

    Sudden Knocking Noise

    prop shaft/UJ?
  13. Jay reKx

    Never seen one like this !

    I dimly remember seeing that atrocity on pistonheads quite a while ago. iirc it was owned by a young chap with far far too much money. his other car was a rolls royce phantom.
  14. Jay reKx

    Vintage Dodge Project

    HAHAHAHA might just have to :hysterically_laughi
  15. Jay reKx

    Vintage Dodge Project

    found the chassis! it was left there about 5 or 6 years ago and completely forgotten where it was put! buried in the weeds. haven't dragged it out yet, but it still seems fairly sound started removing the valves in the motor and its all coming to pieces surprisingly easily atm.
  16. Jay reKx

    Vintage Dodge Project

    spares are out there, but not nessecarily easy to come by there is no body work yet, that hasn't been decided, though for those of you who don't know what a vintage Dodge Four looks like, it would have originally resembled this:
  17. Jay reKx

    Vintage Dodge Project

    its 90 odd years old! if my 200tdi looks that good in 90 years after being removed and sat outside unprotected for forever, I'd be chuffed :D most of the big end nuts and those holding the crankshaft undid with relative ease. nothing broke yet. It WILL live again. watch this space ;)
  18. Jay reKx

    Vintage Dodge Project

    this isn't a land rover, but I thought this might be of interest to some people. The aim of the project is to build a vintage car for hillclimbing/racing and eventually make it the fastest in its class. the car will date back to the early 1900s so all parts and components with the exception of...
  19. Jay reKx

    LR New Ads

    none are 'new' ads. top one, as said was fanboy crap, and poor quality video and posted in 2007, so not exactly new by any stretch of the imagination second one I do like, but it was also posted in 2007 and its a D3 ... the world has moved on to D4 now and the third one is also of a 2007...
  20. Jay reKx

    Disco 3: Are they that much of a nightmare to own??

    a firm I worked for for many years had 2 - an auto and a manual. the auto was mostly sound, though there were issues, it was nowhere near as bad as the manual. this one was in the garage under warranty more than it was on the road. the handbrake disintegrated and locked up the wheels when it was...