1. Mandy

    Italian 88 Series III - Should I or Shouln't I?

    Managed to get the bonnet off by standing on the wings and lifting it off its hinges. Then laid the bonnet on top of the wings, hopped onto the floor and got it off that way. I've taken the first wing off (left hand side) which was a bit of an odyssey seeing as I had no idea what I was doing...
  2. Mandy

    Mystery bits

    I'm in Italy so that's probably not viable with shipping costs
  3. Mandy

    Mystery bits

    They aren't much use to me so I've donated them to someone who'll come and take them away. Making space in the garage.
  4. Mandy

    Mystery bits

    The bloke who sold me my Series III also gave me these. He said they are from a Series I. I have no idea if that is correct. How can I tell? If they are from a Series I can they be reused for a restoration project?
  5. Mandy

    Italian 88 Series III - Should I or Shouln't I?

    I've finally started to take the Series 3 apart and was wondering if there are any good threads, websites or you tube channels I can use as a reference? I've started trying to detach the wings and have to work out how to get the bonnet off on my own. Was thinking of putting a few layers of heavy...
  6. Mandy

    Italian 88 Series III - Should I or Shouln't I?

    We used the garden hose to fill the radiator and also had to top it up while the engine was running. There was also a puddle of diesel fuel because we changed the fuel filter and I didn't insert the bottom gasket properly so then had to take it off again. The injectors and pump needed bleeding...
  7. Mandy

    Italian 88 Series III - Should I or Shouln't I?

    We caught it on my phone :)
  8. Mandy

    Italian 88 Series III - Should I or Shouln't I?

    With a lot of help from my friends, managed to finally fire up the engine yesterday! It was so amazing to hear and see the engine turn after more than 10 years rotting away in a field.
  9. Mandy

    Italian 88 Series III - Should I or Shouln't I?

    So a new chassis and parabolic springs are on the list. What about power steering? And is there anyway to upgrade the brakes (there are a lot of very steep roads around here)?
  10. Mandy

    Italian 88 Series III - Should I or Shouln't I?

    Where can you get the kit from?
  11. Mandy

    Italian 88 Series III - Should I or Shouln't I?

    I can't wait to start!
  12. Mandy

    Italian 88 Series III - Should I or Shouln't I?

    And Blue Beasty :) Doing my homework
  13. Mandy

    Italian 88 Series III - Should I or Shouln't I?

    Thanks James :)
  14. Mandy

    Italian 88 Series III - Should I or Shouln't I?

    Yes the original still has a visible number. Do you reckon I could cut it out and have it welded onto the new chassis? I need to do some parabolics homework - have you got any links I can read?
  15. Mandy

    Italian 88 Series III - Should I or Shouln't I?

    My dad passed away in March and life has been pretty pear shaped until now! I've moved my mum over to Italy so I can look after her and it's only very recently that my life has taken on some sort of normality! And so now I can finally start to dedicate some time to doing up my Series III. I've...
  16. Mandy


    Hi there Antonio! What part of Italy are your from? I'm not sure what the law is like in the UK about importing vehicles. I think as concerns type approval, the main thing in England is that you can find someone who will insure you. You ought to check the Ministry of Transport website about...
  17. Mandy

    Italian 88 Series III - Should I or Shouln't I?

    Thanks for the nuts n bolts link and recommendation :) I'll post photos of the Series 1 bits. Here's a video from today: :)
  18. Mandy

    Italian 88 Series III - Should I or Shouln't I?

    We're planning on doing a slow resto and where possible, doing up what's already there. I couldn't get the price lowered but I've looked around on the internet and compared to what's available in the UK and Italy, for a non-runner but "all there" it's reasonable. I've booked a truck to come and...
  19. Mandy

    Italian 88 Series III - Should I or Shouln't I?

    The good invite doesn't have an expiry date...
  20. Mandy

    Italian 88 Series III - Should I or Shouln't I?

    Will be bringing her home on Thursday. Can't wait! I feel as if I'm about to embark on an adventure into the unknown, excited but also a tad apprehensive. If anyone wants to come on a Land Rover restoration holiday on the Italian Riviera, just give me a shout :) We have a spare room, wine and...