Other what have u done on ur disco today

    I've been looking and have put a wanted add up there for something decent several actually saved in my watch list as second choice if I can't find a disco they should be! a 2004 discovery 3 with 150k on the clock should not be worth £6k what makes me laugh is the ones that have doon 200k...

    Other what have u done on ur disco today

    searched for a nice D3 on autotrader/ebay/gumtree as now in a place to buy one... Realised that no such thing exists only piles of poo for extortionate prices with mot advisory lists as long as your arm by dealers who want top dollar for crap or by the great unwashed who think the shiney body...

    Project: The impossible utopia - Freelander S TD4 3 door (2002)

    This is what annoys me about the whole environment thing, they just expect car owners to scrap their older vehicle and put £20k+ on a new electric/hybrid vehicle on Tick like its nothing with maybe a small grant from the government to sweeten the deal Someone raised it recently on R4 about...

    Project: The impossible utopia - Freelander S TD4 3 door (2002)

    I'd say that level of corrosion is either near the sea and used to launch a boat , been used near a quarry of its spent its life on a farm covered in cow**** nothing else will ove down that much damage even general road salt isn't that corrosive on modern ish cars when speaking to the gent...

    Project: The impossible utopia - Freelander S TD4 3 door (2002)

    your doing well in saving this one but I've got to say that is one of the rustiest floor pans I've ever seen on a freelander Has it spent its life near the sea perchance?

    Fail on emissions, TD5 Discovery

    Which s what im saying a 5 mile run once warm to clear its throat won't harm an old td5, and i dont advocate not using one where you've got the facilities to do so and would not advocate not using one do do the standard 12500 miles a year in you have a point regarding race engines rebuild...

    Fail on emissions, TD5 Discovery

    Massively different ,but most of the early cars didn't have oil filters either so this massively reduced engine life as oil filters weren't invented until 1923 in the form we know now And as air filters in the form we know now weren't invented until the 1960's so wear and tear cant be...

    Fail on emissions, TD5 Discovery

    What I'm getting at is for the amount of time the OP would run it to clear his emissions up it wont do the car any harm, I'm aware of the filter out trick and the italian tune up and many others beside that I've acquired of the years on the spanners, I dont advocate not using a filter where the...

    Discovery 4 EAS in 'Extended Mode'

    not uncommon for the system to block up on disco 3/4 with a white substance like which is the silicon in the air dryer on the condenser degrading which causes a white dust Plenty about it on the D3 forum https://www.disco3.co.uk/forum/air-suspension-going-116353.html

    Td5 smokey after water

    Drop the oil, if its a water oil mix high chance is you've bent a rod, compression test would prove which one is mullered

    Bare metal lacquered? Anybody done a defender?

    is that a home brew ex tractor trailer rear body or something more bespoke?

    Bare metal lacquered? Anybody done a defender?

    depends on the level of scruffy yours is, I quite look the faded paint on a well used landy especially the ones with the side stripes from the 80's for example on a well worn example of a vehicle id personally just give a good coating of clean engine oil with a dash of linseed oil and leave it...

    Fail on emissions, TD5 Discovery

    What many don't know regarding air filters is they are fitted for if the car is sold into dusty environments they UK isn't one so you shouldn't need to worry about running it without, think of how many classic race cars and bikes ran without filters under hard conditions and still do

    Disco 2 Moving from 18" to 16"

    rule of thumb when changing wheels if for every inch in diameter you go up or down you need to go up or down a profile also to keep the rolling radius the same so in your case to keep the speedo reading the same you'd probably need a 65 profile than a 70 may be worth looking at what LR fitted...

    Freelander 2 buyers guide needed

    rust is starting to appear on rear arches on the ones ive looked at up to and including 60 plate ones at dealers are still asking top prices for them so check carefully, my next door neighbour has just bought an 58 plate hse from a local dealer in matlock that looks good from a distance but has...

    LandyZone Stickers

    on ebay chief :) https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LandyZone-Window-Sticker-LandyZone-co-uk/183725445436?hash=item2ac6e3d13c:g:USUAAOSwyElchTLj

    Stolen - L322 2007 Black RR Vogue from East Ayrshire

    How bad was your car?

    Project: The impossible utopia - Freelander S TD4 3 door (2002)

    Trick is to point it away from you when your winding it down the fit a small ratchet strap round the spring as an added security device once it's where you need it to be no problems then


    Looks like it


    Using the power of the internet and the fact Smithy has his instagram profile on show on his profile on here it can safely be deduced that young Smith has chopped the disco in for an Audi A6 Avant :( Shame as this thread was getting good