1. Rossy

    1st Defender 90 bought!!

    OK She's on the road....must say for a 31 year old she drives very well....but its raised other issue which I'll post in the help section. I'll put some more pics up here tho once weathers better....
  2. Rossy

    Just fell for an LED issue....known apparently!

    Although a computer Manager by trade I'm a quolified City and Guilds Electrical Engineer too!! :) LED stands for Light Emitting "Diode", a "diode" will only let a current/Voltage pass in one direction...this I know... What point I was trying to make was on the DASH lights...something owners my...
  3. Rossy

    1st Defender 90 bought!!

    UPDATE:- She is now fully road legal but not quite finished... Alarm installed and imobilizer Toad jobby...with working Centrol Locking (Door cards need to be re-done or tidied as made do with the previous owners for now) Just a bit more tidying of wires...trim needs doing back and around the...
  4. Rossy

    Just fell for an LED issue....known apparently!

    What a nightmere....changed all the External Bulbs for LED and as such had to buy the LED flasher unit...all was fine.... Then started to change the Warning light Bulbs for led....(Clocks already had them) BAT charge OIL Light Indicator etc... and lost HAZARDS and turn lights altogether...
  5. Rossy

    1st Defender 90 bought!!

    Happy new year all....Back to the Defender tomorrow.....hope I can get back "into it" after the break......then its out on the road!! TIPS:- Bought this off febay...to put over the warning lights at base of Dash...although back is black on the photo they are white symbles on clear backing...
  6. Rossy

    1st Defender 90 bought!!

    Rear Cam location (Red Arrow) Re done back cross member and you can see the rear is dull....mostly...shame....but hope if I go over it again it'll be good...also less light in garage at rear so harder to paint rear.... not sure what I'll do over the smaller rear windows...did not look as bad...
  7. Rossy

    1st Defender 90 bought!!

    Not one, not two but three cans of Isolator paint, 2 cans Primer, 2 cans standard Gloss Black and one can of "Boots Blue" standard Rover colour! Still had a couple of spots on the back door react after 3 atempts....god only knows what it had on it in the past....paint and filler and glue...who...
  8. Rossy

    1st Defender 90 bought!!

    Oh and sorted lights...replaces all stalks and all light bar reverse worked....there was no rev light switch....bought one and wired up myself and now all working...inc rear fogs... Now the Interior work starts.....
  9. Rossy

    1st Defender 90 bought!!

    Comming along nicely.....
  10. Rossy

    1st Defender 90 bought!!

    Anyone? Having a nightmere now with lights....what a stupid setup the MOD have LOL Got indicators working (Fast with one Normal Bulb in as LED) ordered LED adjustable Relay...Hazards do nothing but again think this will be fixed with relay. Side lights front and back fine as are Brake lights...
  11. Rossy

    1st Defender 90 bought!!

    Can someone provide instructions for this please....its gobbledigook to me...I'm going to be installing the lights back in soon and obviously need to test them, but when I parked it up for paint I could not SUS them out.... A dummies guide then please....I need to know the folling:- No lights...
  12. Rossy

    1st Defender 90 bought!!

    Dont laugh at the Bulkhead Vents...they were rough so matt blacked them to hide the roughness...but gonna take um off again and spend more time on them and gloss black them...looks naff....:) Bonnet looks good though and managed to get the old bonnet stay on with a few "diy" brackets...
  13. Rossy

    What type of Servo do I have?

    Right with you...think its knackered then,....it had been steed for weeks while I've been painting it etc... I've only actualy driven it from the guy I got it off, to home....less than 3 miles I'd say before parking up and starting the bodywork....it drove well....but the brakes were very hard...
  14. Rossy

    What type of Servo do I have?

    Could someone at least let me know if possible what servo I have? May help my research....
  15. Rossy

    What type of Servo do I have?

    Sorry not sure what you mean...With engine off I pumped the pedal...it was very hard but did not get harder...then started the engine with foot on brake...nothing...pumped again and there was no differnace it felt EXACTLY as it did with the engine off. With thumb over the pipe that connects to...
  16. Rossy

    What type of Servo do I have?

    For like £6 on fleebay....£80 for Servo (I think as not sure which one I have!!!)
  17. Rossy

    What type of Servo do I have?

    Yeh, no differance.....Pedal behaves same with engine on as off....
  18. Rossy

    What type of Servo do I have?

    Its fubar...replaced the pipe and same with engine on or off...pedal hard, but with engine running there's suction when I pull the pipe off the Servo on my thumb... Not sure wether to try repair kit or replace....as big differance in price and if anyone knows me on here...they know I just spent...
  19. Rossy

    Fender 90 1986 Running wires into Door

    Oooh I like it...even shows door plunger with a braket on the door...neat...I was thinking I may put the plunger in the door pushing on the seal so like this idea... The Central Locking will be fun...seen some pics of how people have done it and looks over engineered...a hole in top or bottom of...
  20. Rossy

    New Light Warning Assembly?

    Where can you get a new one/oem/copy at a reasonable price?