1. P

    300tdi into a 90

    Pretty sure the disco has a long bellhousing & input shaft & defender is short, so while the gearbox is the same the bellhousings are different. Also the disco transfer box has higher gearing than defender, not a major problem unless you do a lot of towing (especially heavy loads i.e. 1 1/2 ton...
  2. P

    ECU Relay

    Clean the contacts on the relay and give the socket a squirt of contact cleaner. If that doesn't work you need to start checking the wiring on the loom to make sure you have good contacts.
  3. P

    Landy 110 petrol to diesel conversion

    Have you had a cooling system pressure test done? Worth doing if you think you've got exhaust gass in the water. If it holds pressure you're probably ok. Also be aware that new 200tdi heads are no longer available I am led to believe and you can only really skim them once
  4. P

    Orange peel help

    Top coat is only ever as good as what's underneath it. It needs flatting back before you put top coat on.
  5. P

    Disco 1 Hi-Lo box, Diff and fuel problems linked?

    It is possible you have a bit of transmission wind up. Jack one the wheels off the floor to release any wind up in the transmission.
  6. P

    Disco 1 Interesting steering issue

    ^^^^^ My first port of call would be check suspension bushes all round and rear ball joint.
  7. P

    Disco 1 interior upgrades

    Cheers Stu, that's really helpful
  8. P

    Disco 1 interior upgrades

    Cheers Stu, will have to google and find some ;)
  9. P

    Disco 1 interior upgrades

    I like the cup holders, where did you get them from???
  10. P

    Disco 2 How to get in without whacking head?

    I wear a crash hat at all times to avoid this happening, having followed the H&S risk assessment to the letter. Also the risk assessment suggested not using the vehicle would massively reduce the risk of any collisions.:)
  11. P

    Disco 300TDi, odd vibration and lumpy revving at 1500-1800 rpm

    I would start with simple things first. Happens whether static or in drive so that rules out a few things ie props, prop joints and rest of drivetrain. I would be looking at engine and gearbox mounts first, have they got any play in them?
  12. P

    Disco 1 SRS & ABS lights on

    Cheers mate, much obliged
  13. P

    Disco 1 SRS & ABS lights on

    Thanks guys for your help. Being a returnee to Disco ownership can anyone point me in the direction of where to download RAVE??? Thanks
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    Disco 1 SRS & ABS lights on

    hi guys Have just got back into disco's and bought myself a 300tdi ES on a 95(N) plate. The SRS & ABS lights are on, how do I check them out. I have a decent OBD reader but not sure if there is an OBD socket on the car? Also looking to tweak the pump as its a bit flat when pulling away. All...
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    You need to take the door card etc off from inside the car then fiddle with the levees attached to the lock till it opens.
  16. P

    Disco 2 Changing rear diff oil and found these!

    To be honest they are all pretty important bits in there mate!! Certainly looks like that's what the bits are, think you'll need a replacement diff mate
  17. P

    need help my discos dead!

    1 charge battery 2 start vehicle 3 check alternator is charging by measuring voltage across battery terminals while engine running. You should get 13-14 volts, anything under 12 volts suggests alternator is dead. Like any job you need to be methodical and eliminate the obvious/simple things first
  18. P

    need help my discos dead!

    If your battery light comes on and speedo & tachometer aren't working then it's quite likely your alternator is FUBAR.
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    Disco 2 MOT aftermath :-(((((((((

    2mm plate will be fine, like Chros said above, it's gotta be better than the hole that's there
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    Disco 2 MOT aftermath :-(((((((((

    Not to my knowledge......