1. Rustystuff

    anyone got a classic with lecky sunroof?

    I Have a 1992 with a tilt and slide sun roof... the roof lining has a lower section were the glass slides into, so I'm not sure if you can convert a standard roof lining as I don't think they have the same lowered section. I can take a photo of the lining and sun roof if it's of any help to you..
  2. Rustystuff

    Rattily head.

    There's getting less if I'm honest :D .... and it's not always helped by owning a land rover !! I seam to spend a good deal of time doing this :confused2::confused2: !!
  3. Rustystuff

    Rattily head.

    Had my cylinder head changed recently. When I turned the old one over (to have a look) it rattled ? Turned it back, same noise !? Gave it a good shake... a circular brass plate fell out of the end :confused: I had changed the thermostat some time before this job and had noticed that it didn't...
  4. Rustystuff

    Tinkering with my Vogue

    well it looks like you will be able to find something to do on it in the mean time! :)
  5. Rustystuff

    Tinkering with my Vogue

    Dose it have two posts for the 'live' cable ? Mine has 2, one for thick material and one for thin (marked on the plate for the amp setting) The thin rod's (1.6mm) make it much easier to strike... as I recall, I had it set at about 40 or 45 amps... and a good thick power cable, plugged directly...
  6. Rustystuff

    Tinkering with my Vogue

    Coming on there Stu. This may sound archaic... but I used an old oil cooled electric welder when I did mine. Swapped the lead to the 'thin' metal position.. bought a box of 1.6 rods lowered the ampage and away I went ! You can weld new 1.5 mm sheet, without blowing holes, quite easily...
  7. Rustystuff

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    :D Good news :D No. 1 exhaust tappet looked like it had been set with the handle of the feeler blade !! Massive gap ! Reset and now runs as good as it ever did :):) Also repositioned the shaft in the boost capsule (eccentric cone thing) Much better acceleration at low RPM. A little smoke when...
  8. Rustystuff

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Got me motor back today :) Nice to back behind the wheel of a Landy :) Not running to sweetly though :confused: Had to swap the head for my spare... so don't now if some old **** has got on a valve seat some were... not much power (less than usual) and sounds 'lumpy' (best way of describing...
  9. Rustystuff

    Driving lights and the law

    Found this Halfords Advice Centre | Daytime Running Lights UK Law & Regulations If it's any help. (see regulations) There was also an article some time ago in LRM on fitting running lights. :)
  10. Rustystuff

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Cleaned the head face up... looked good.... took it to the man and compared it to the one that was on the engine... much better.. so he will swap them, new gasket.... jobs a gudun. :D the corrosion was terrible on the old head... small triangle between the cylinders... why they make a hole to...
  11. Rustystuff

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    It blew out at the back the last time ! About 2 years ago when I was on holiday in St.Ives (Cornwall) !! :mad: Got me home though... all the way back to the Flat Lands :D
  12. Rustystuff

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Just had an up date.... head gasket has blown.. but there is a corrosion pocket in the head face, were the water jacket from the block meets the head (no cross over to the head at this point). So will drag the spare out of the shed tomorrow and have a shufty at that... get it cleaned up and take...
  13. Rustystuff

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Last drive for a wile today... gone in for a new head gasket... or possibly head :( See what he finds ? !!
  14. Rustystuff

    one week to get this done!!

    That it one Red Range Rover !! :) It will be a real head turner ! An impressive amount of work Zen... a real credit to you. Look forward to seeing it finished :) Will be interesting with a GMC 6.2 !!
  15. Rustystuff

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Under the bonnet today trying to see what's causing it (RRC) to smoke (White/ grey.. lots of it at tick over). Found a split in the hose from turbo to intercooler. Replaced the hose... cleaned all the pipes and hoses to and from the turbo... no sign of oil from the turbo (seals should be ok)...
  16. Rustystuff

    Snapped bolts.

    The set I have are Dormer. Very good, will drill your bolt.. no problem. Sharpening drills is indeed an art, but one worth mastering.... even the best drills will need sharpening eventually. Hope all goes well :)
  17. Rustystuff

    New to landyZone.

    Well, for the moment it's ok... but... it dose need front inner wheel arches and I'm not certain how the lights are staying were they are because there's bugger all holding them in place !! ... and it could do with a set of doors.. we shall carry on fighting the good fight... one rusty piece at...
  18. Rustystuff

    New to landyZone.

    Evning Cammo. Thanks for the welcome. They are a great motor. Will do most everything you need to do on 4 wheels...in absolute comfort. My farther went from a classic (He sold it to me) to a P38... he wishes he'd never sold it. Dosen't help that he see's me driving about in it !! Don't think he...
  19. Rustystuff

    Snapped bolts.

    Get some good quality hardened drill bits. Drill through with a small size first and then step up in size, by 1 or 2 mm at a time until you get to the tapping drill size, or slightly smaller. You must drill centrally and square to the bolt or you'll drill into the housing. You could try 'easy...
  20. Rustystuff

    Viscous Coupling?

    Well... now you mention it, I've read back through and the OP is different to the chap still picking up his toys ! So I don't now :confused: :)