1. Chrisw8

    Big Stripdown and Weld thread 300tdi

    Thanks Henry Gave 1st coat of black over remaining red today. Hopefully give 2nd coat tomorrow, if it dunt rain !!
  2. Chrisw8

    Disco 1 Tubular turrets

    Thanks for info, Fizzer. I think I’ll get some silicone pipes (as I’m ‘in there’ ) and have a play with them. The missus has got loads of silicone stuff in the kitchen.....I’m sure I can ‘borrow’ a piece if I need to stick a bit to the turret.:D
  3. Chrisw8

    Big Stripdown and Weld thread 300tdi

    Latest fashion ...... lol Velcro’d a bit of welding apron onto back of helmet, so I can see wot I’m doing with the sun behind me. I can also pretend I’m in the Foreign Legion as well !!!
  4. Chrisw8

    Disco 1 Tubular turrets

    Has anyone fitted tubular turrets? I got some std height ones ,and n/s one pushes against the inter cooler pipe a lot.
  5. Chrisw8

    Big Stripdown and Weld thread 300tdi

    Fertan washed off.......Red painted on. Happy days. :D
  6. Chrisw8

    Big Stripdown and Weld thread 300tdi

    Blimey......that stuff costs as much as the metal bits !!!
  7. Chrisw8

    Big Stripdown and Weld thread 300tdi

    De-rusted more of front bit, and given coat of Fertan. Was going to paint rear, but noticed a bit where I missed the seam sealer, so I sealed it.!! Hopefully get some painting in tomorrow if weather’s ok.
  8. Chrisw8

    Big Stripdown and Weld thread 300tdi

    Shiny bits arrived from yrm. :) Their ad does say their galvanising is not the best ....... and they’re not wrong!!!! I suppose I’ll paint them. Do I need to treat them first, or will a coat of acid etch primer be ok?
  9. Chrisw8

    Big Stripdown and Weld thread 300tdi

    Wondering to bling up my hoses with silly cone ones :cool:
  10. Chrisw8

    Big Stripdown and Weld thread 300tdi

    Yayyy.....it’s a good feeling getting back into it. I think I might need to replace front discs as well. They’ve been stood there all this time and it looks a bit more than surface rust.
  11. Chrisw8

    Big Stripdown and Weld thread 300tdi

    Thanks, Still got loads to do . :(
  12. Chrisw8

    Big Stripdown and Weld thread 300tdi

    :)Indeed, they’re brilliant. :) Everyone should get one !!!
  13. Chrisw8

    Big Stripdown and Weld thread 300tdi

    Bought one of these ...... Coz I spent over hour trying to undo bottom nut off front shock, and got angry with it. !!! Cuts through steel like butter !! Then I got spring off.
  14. Chrisw8

    Big Stripdown and Weld thread 300tdi

    Forgot to take piccy of sealer, so here’s one of it 2nd coated red.
  15. Chrisw8

    Big Stripdown and Weld thread 300tdi

    Polybushed front arm ........... Wot a bastid fitting it back on ........ 4hrs of shouting, swearing, crying, bashing, levering, jacking .........
  16. Chrisw8

    Disco 1 rear mud flap bracket supports

    I just looked on YRM. They do galvanised ones in the shape I need.
  17. Chrisw8

    Big Stripdown and Weld thread 300tdi

    Seam sealed weldy bits...... Piccy later.
  18. Chrisw8

    Disco 1 rear mud flap bracket supports

    ive got these new Mudflap bracket supports for my D1 and they seem to be too long. To fit them they will need to be at a different angle to the originals and another hole drilled nearer the back. Any thoughts?
  19. Chrisw8

    Big Stripdown and Weld thread 300tdi

    thank you. I’ve been at it 4 years !!
  20. Chrisw8

    Big Stripdown and Weld thread 300tdi

    All welded up and coat of red.