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    change head gasket

    Its a td5 quoted £500 ish no guarantee might be the end of the road for my car as 50/50 chance it might be a cracked head.wich wont be known until its in bits in a garage then im already £££££ down.yesterday was not a good day.
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    change head gasket

    Hello my question is it difficult to change the head gasket. Also how much should I pay to get it done.on a disco 2
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    car loses power temp in red

    It dont lose much coolnt I bled it before I went to surrey from rugby only had problem on a steep hill in surrey.it only lost about a couple of inches when I next check the day after.
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    car loses power temp in red

    Hello yes it did lose water from the expansion tank I changed the cap as I was advised they fail after a time.the water came from the overflow .it seemed better for a while a couple of weeks ago I ended uo on the hard shoulder.of the m40 and by the sound of the hissing from the engine I would...
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    car loses power temp in red

    Hello out there still trying to find fault with my 1999 disco.it loses power and the temp gauge goes in the red only to regain power shortly afterwards. Someone on here advised it might be head gasket but wouldnt this show in your oil.milky ext someone else I spoke to said it might be cracked...
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    loseing power temp in red

    Thanks sounds like I better get someone to look at it as Im a novice and don't have anywhere I can make a noise or time for it to be off the road.
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    loseing power temp in red

    Thanks it helps but I dont like the sound of it.ive located the sensor in the manual would your explanation explain why it cools and regains power and would it drive ok with a blown head gasket. Also how much would that cost?I have just drove back from surrey to rugby I drove there on fri car...
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    loseing power temp in red

    Well I am in a process of a limitation bled cooling system maybe it is a sensor as it corrects itself soon after I lose power.it happend today on a hill but soon resumed power.if this is a sensor where will I find the offending one to clean check.already been advised that there is a sensor that...
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    cooling system bleed

    Ok thanks
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    cooling system bleed

    Hello out there I need to bleed my cooling system on my disco td5.i get all the slacken bleed screw and raise expansion tank but do I run it with the cap removed from the expansion tank to remove air bubbles.do I need to reach running temp.if so do I tighten bleed screw before running I asume...
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    I need help! (with my SRS light)

    Hello I have the same problem but it passed mot as it has the three times previous.dont know if it was an advisory.
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    faulty sensor ?

    Its ok just wached a youtube and was shown bleed screw.asume you do have cap removed when you bleed it thanks for your advice.
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    faulty sensor ?

    Ive never done this before where will I find the bleed screw?
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    faulty sensor ?

    Ok ill look into all that I did change fuel injector leads and removed oil from ecu when I did that but it was a while ago a year maybe
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    faulty sensor ?

    Ok thanks ofcourse I dont know if the 4x4 place I took it did all that garages seem to charge multiples of £100 for everything. And have little interest in job satisfaction. When you you say dont run car with expansion cap off does this go for runing the bubbles out.do you do as you explained...
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    faulty sensor ?

    Thanks for your reply I had water escaping from overflow hose on expansion tank.i was advised to change the cap on expansion tank wich I did.It stopped it for a good while but I noticed the other day it was wet in that area and coolnt was quite low.also when I remove cap to top it up you can...
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    faulty sensor ?

    Hello I have a 1999 disco td5 whilst travelling on the m40 with cruise con set to 65/70 I suddenly lost power and noticed the temp gauge had shot into the red.I pulled on the hard shoulder and called the greenflag.as I waited I turned on the ignition to my surprise the temp gauge had droped it...
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    Sorry I dont have a laptop I do the best with my phone.

    Sorry I dont have a laptop I do the best with my phone.
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    Hello there I thank you for your info but how do I do this manual test.regarding hot air through...

    Hello there I thank you for your info but how do I do this manual test.regarding hot air through dash.with thanks dmjb
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    hot air instead of cold through dash

    Hello does anyone know why my car always seems to be letting hot air int to car.I have to run the climate control for a min until it goes cold . climate control not as good as it was . annoying as I change high pressure pipe had it re gassed and it was great last year.any advice welcome. Disco...