1. tnseal

    I was wondering the same. Wanted to start one over NCD insurance.

    I was wondering the same. Wanted to start one over NCD insurance.
  2. tnseal

    Well happy that another P38 fiasco is over, fitted new discs and pads. Now battling with the...

    Well happy that another P38 fiasco is over, fitted new discs and pads. Now battling with the insurance over NCD. Thread ?
  3. tnseal

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Some good comes out of every event, well he has now gone on a advanced traffic safety course after the top copper phoned me and told me that whatever the two off us discussed was a closed matter. So he will now know to divert traffic in advance of the place it is and also control to advise the...
  4. tnseal

    NON START: CKP sensor ? Inj Pump U/s ?

    Yes I know about the BeCM lock and lucky, mine was undone. I am not so worried about the Hevac. I thought the ECM was like that.
  5. tnseal

    NON START: CKP sensor ? Inj Pump U/s ?

    Lucky this year the BeCM is still unlocked, Rick must have sorted that last year. I stay away from the page on the Nanocom as well, lol. But EKA code tried that at the time, accepted, but the late EDC setting is wierd. Why does it do that, thought the setting would be more likely to not work...
  6. tnseal

    NON START: CKP sensor ? Inj Pump U/s ?

    But mine ran well and after a long period between the nanocom and using it. It started, ran better. then as I have said, went French (on strike). Perhaps rick put in french components and we all know they go on strike about this time every year.
  7. tnseal

    NON START: CKP sensor ? Inj Pump U/s ?

    It is weird the car was running great, it was only when I got to WiFi hell at the tip. So many wifi signals it seemed to play up. Should I go back there or just fly tip the stuff. (joking). I took Wammers advice after last year. It was the only thing changed, but as the engine seemed to run...
  8. tnseal

    NON START: CKP sensor ? Inj Pump U/s ?

    And yes Wammers still a pongo.
  9. tnseal

    NON START: CKP sensor ? Inj Pump U/s ?

    It's Alive lol, I have found it. Right if you have a Nanocom Evolution. DO NOT CHANGE THE SETTING " LATE TO EARLY EDC, even though your car has the early engine, It could be on the change years and they put in a later engine ECM in. Which will work providing it is in sync with the BECM...
  10. tnseal

    NON START: CKP sensor ? Inj Pump U/s ?

    Off out for my frontal lobotomy. When the rain clears I will go and look again.
  11. tnseal

    NON START: CKP sensor ? Inj Pump U/s ?

    Been there done that, after last year. Studied that BBS guide well. It is like the same symptom. Unless its post to Rick again. Still got problems with the interferrence and did you know that these sub stations have a aerial and send out codes to the local electricity authority. I have one right...
  12. tnseal

    NON START: CKP sensor ? Inj Pump U/s ?

    Even worse that Bosch calls it an ELAB.
  13. tnseal

    NON START: CKP sensor ? Inj Pump U/s ?

    Ok been over the car again, ELAB or Stop Soliniod is clicking lovely. Subbed a feed from the Plug (unplugged from the ECM) and it clicks ok. All plugged up and got someone to turn to the ignition II and it clicks as well. Got a message from the nanocom, Immobiliser link low. I looked at RAVE and...
  14. tnseal

    NON START: CKP sensor ? Inj Pump U/s ?

    I DO NOT BELIEVE IT.... Went to the tip and got to the town centre just. Big mistake should have dumped the other half shopping and drove home. Engine went into limp home and I turned it off. As it had got hot, waiting for those people with a carrier at the tip. It started to miss (Diesel) lack...
  15. tnseal

    Jgs 4x4

    Only complaint is they aren't fast sending out the "In Stock" items. Getting a bit hacked off as these courier firms are useless. Waiting for bits that could be posted in a jiffy bag. Seen some online comments for others on the lack of response via email. I even found the guys called James and...
  16. tnseal

    Wow that's a old post, anyway been happy with the P38, it's alive ! So it's got a few faults...

    Wow that's a old post, anyway been happy with the P38, it's alive ! So it's got a few faults still. it is running.4-3-16
  17. tnseal

    P38 Mpg Diesel?

    I have roughly worked it out using the brim method and no way is it doing the 16mpg on the message centre. I estimate it around 26mpg and we did 220miles on nearly a half a tank. So running at 55 mph on the good roads, it seems to increase. Not bothered with the output, it's running and starts...
  18. tnseal

    Sorry been busy, Chatham Destroyers memorial day and other tasks with the P38. Diesel leaks...

    Sorry been busy, Chatham Destroyers memorial day and other tasks with the P38. Diesel leaks hopefully sorted & 26mpg. Gauge shows 16mpg.
  19. tnseal

    Sorry was 71st Sigs L A D then KSY Sharpshooters L A D. Trade VMII Bordon

    Sorry was 71st Sigs L A D then KSY Sharpshooters L A D. Trade VMII Bordon
  20. tnseal

    P38 Mpg Diesel?

    Hardly any Cockneys anyway, too bloody expensive to live in London, unless those Bankers want to be called Cockneys - then even I could hate them, my Ol' China. Glad to get back to Lincolnshire.