1. JamesBB

    P38A GEMS idle problem

    The initial problem of low idle/near stall was when hot only. It was fine starting from cold. Since I cleaned stuff up it seems to start hot or cold but the revs are high. I know this may be adaptive values, but what is causing the revs to die (almost entirely) when I open the throttle? Its...
  2. JamesBB

    P38A GEMS idle problem

    Thanks for the reply, but the issue is not being able to drive now. As soon as you touch the throttle it dies. This is a new problem. I know there are 2 levels of adaptive values, the long term need to be reset with diags, but surely it will not stop it being driven? Thoughts?
  3. JamesBB

    P38A GEMS idle problem

    Hi All I have had an issue on my 1996 4.6 GEMs engine running on petrol (not LPG). All is ok from cold, but starting from warm/hot causes the revs to drop so low it stalls. Touching the accelerator would stop the stall, but it would often miss a few beats until it settled down after a few...
  4. JamesBB

    P38A Stuck in low range

    Update. Found some time to get on with this at last. Fixed. Thanks to all of you for help. I think the motor must have just stuck. Once I checked the switch positions with a meter I worked out it was simply in the wrong pos when I bolted it back on the first time. Worth noting that the pic of...
  5. JamesBB

    P38A Stuck in low range

    This is great, I thought I was going mad for a moment. Although this does not rule out any madness, it does give me more to get going on. Cheers for that.
  6. JamesBB

    P38A Stuck in low range

    Under the passenger seat (RHD model) and I have 3 ECU modules. Transmission Air Suspension Transfer box - This is the one I am at the end of. There are 3 rows of pins in the connector. I am guessing transfer box ECU is where I should be as it would make sense. But I could be wrong. Cheers
  7. JamesBB

    P38A Stuck in low range

    Ok. Sorry to be a pain but I am very confused. My transfer box ECU (AMR5254) has a very different looking connector to that shown above. Where is the connector I need to read the values on? Thanks
  8. JamesBB

    P38A Stuck in low range

    Thanks yes it is starting to sink in. Will check tomorrow with any luck. Cheers
  9. JamesBB

    P38A Stuck in low range

    Ok I have found something here: http://www.exploringnh.com/tech/FSM/Electronic-Troubleshooting-Manual-RR-P38-eng.pdf Page B6. Still struggling to understand where the motor position is in relation to the selector.
  10. JamesBB

    P38A Stuck in low range

    Hi Any advance on this? To the OP....when you set the transfer motor to the required range manually using a 12V supply - how did you determine the correct ratio position? Did you use the 4 switches and read the open close status of each to determine correct position? As there is Left Stop -...
  11. JamesBB

    P38A Stuck in low range

    Yes that is correct. Weird stuff.
  12. JamesBB

    P38A Stuck in low range

    I am not sure what these positions are. Is it explained in Rave? The transfer box shaft moves to 2 positions only? I spun the motor with DC applied until it lined up with what looked to be the high position. That worked, except for the select neutral and that it will not come out of low. Not...
  13. JamesBB

    P38A Stuck in low range

    Right well it is broken again. Stuck in low. I selected low as suggested, it changed, all ok, went to move back to high and it is jammed. Same as original post. Total nightmare and getting frustrated. I cannot see how this is the switches as that surely only tells the ECU which range/gear...
  14. JamesBB

    P38A Stuck in low range

    Makes sense, but if this was the case would it continue beeping and flashing the gear light? I have not gone back to low yet fearing it will jam again and I need to take it off and start from fresh. When I have more time I will give it a shot. Probably after work. Cheers
  15. JamesBB

    P38A Stuck in low range

    I can select neutral, when I do the message goes, but it will not drive as its in neutral. :-(
  16. JamesBB

    P38A Stuck in low range

    Does the ECU need resetting? or do you guys think it is a fault? Cheers
  17. JamesBB

    P38A Stuck in low range

    At last an update. I have been too busy to do anything more with it and had the use of the other car so it was not urgent. So, the latest is: I attached the motor connector but did not bolt the motor in place, just left it hanging. With the ignition on I selected high range on the selector...
  18. JamesBB

    P38A Stuck in low range

    Thanks for that info and the pic. Does the pic show the position it should be in for high range? Thanks
  19. JamesBB

    P38A Stuck in low range

    Ok, some progress, its off, the motor spins with 12v. Tried each way. I moved the shaft on the box, it turns freely. Starting up with the motor connected but not fitted says select neutral and allow me to move to high range and into neutral. So selecting high range and neutral I would imagine...
  20. JamesBB

    P38A Stuck in low range

    OK, thanks to Saint for the advice. I have been busy on all sorts of other things so I have not managed to do anything until now. According to Rave you just need to undo 4 bolts. However I have seen some people saying you need to take the prop and transmission lock off to get enough room...