1. U

    P38 diesel has poltergeists?

    Well, to conclude, there IS a stage of becm lock down that disables the central locking and thus the ability to enter the code. On one of my P38's disconnecting battery and computers and forgetting about it for a week reset it completely. Our local Land Rover dealer, who's service manager...
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    P38 diesel has poltergeists?

    I'm off to Toulouse tomorrow to pick up a mechanical diesel pump. Once it's running (hah!) it might be a good idea to take it on a test drive to Poitiers...
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    P38 diesel has poltergeists?

    Your actually only two and a half hours away. Historic dinner and accommodation at our château... what would you charge?
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    P38 diesel has poltergeists?

    At my family home, Chanteix, 19330. I should say that as the last beam axle, manual gearbox Range Rover I'm absolutely determined to get this to work.
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    P38 diesel has poltergeists?

    Dear Wammers If I bite the bullet and buy the Nanocom Evo as suggested earlier can I do that myself? I'm in absolutely the Middle of nowhere here in rural France with virtually no cell signal inside a stone barn, so we should be able to discount spurious inputs...
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    P38 diesel has poltergeists?

    Dear Wammers Thank you for being patient with me. I have read it all very carefully. I used to run an IT consultancy and, although I'm not technical, I do have a broad understanding. The key issue is what I don't understand. Personally it seems beyond the bounds of probability that...
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    P38 diesel has poltergeists?

    He felt that the becm had locked. I personally don't understand why the driver's door lock on BOTH my p38's no longer operates the central locking! I note in the pdf (which I've read carefully, along with what I take to be an online copy of rave), in says that the Nanocom Evolution is not...
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    P38 diesel has poltergeists?

    But as the key isn't tripping the central locking and it's not requesting a code even when the battery has been removed? Apologies if I'm being stupid. Spoke to a guy who says the becm has locked and needs to be sent off to him with the engine ecu to be unlocked. £150. What do you think?
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    P38 diesel has poltergeists?

    Well, dropped engine in, connected battery, and the central locking works. Disconnect the battery to reconnect the engine earth lead which we forgot. Reconnect and the central locking has gone, so I can't switch the alarm off. Help!?
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    P38 diesel has poltergeists?

    Well, stripping it to take the engine out noticed that both the black and purple wires to the alarm siren had chafed through around an earth point...
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    P38 diesel has poltergeists?

    Well, my messages are in French, obviously, but I've been getting 'copure moteur', literally 'engine cut'. You're right, I didn't realise that there was a difference between being out of sync and immobilised. It sounds like a nanocom or similar is absolutely essential equipment. Any...
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    P38 diesel has poltergeists?

    So, there's a wire soldered onto the lead going to the pump from the engine ECU box. Could post a photo, perhaps. Think it runs back to a relay. Incidentally my diesel does not turnover when immobilised, and neither did my 4.0 petrol.
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    P38 diesel has poltergeists?

    Well, stuck a battery on the 'other' p38 this morning and despite being left with a flat battery she turns over, so that ecu definitely isn't asking for codes. So it IS possible and personally I find it hard to believe any p38 owner is shelling out £1,400 for an ecu. My last p38 was a...
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    P38 diesel has poltergeists?

    Overfueling as these guys are after 200bhp plus... but the bloody thing is running. Quite honestly I don't give a damn how it runs IF it runs. I'm sick of towing dead P38's...
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    P38 diesel has poltergeists?

  16. U

    P38 diesel has poltergeists?

    This is what I'd like to do. Can't believe no one has done this to a p38. It would seem to me to offer a potential bypass to a whole raft of problems
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    P38 diesel has poltergeists?

    Datatek that would be very useful. Where do I need get one of those?! Is it a service you offer?
  18. U

    P38 diesel has poltergeists?

    That's interesting. The feedback from the BMW forums - mainly happily mad drifters and bio diesel burners - is that the pump is a straight swop. But these guys seem to have amazing technical skills. I badly need the earlier mechanical pump and ANY advice about fitting it.
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    P38 diesel has poltergeists?

    Thanks Oval! Another fun filled day...
  20. U

    P38 diesel has poltergeists?

    I don't have a diagnostics kit but I'd very much like one. Any advice on the pros and cons? If there are reprogrammed chips out there where can I get one? I've read that changing the region settings on the becm can curb some of its more outrageous behaviour, but not everyone seems to agree.