1. Frostycab

    4.0 P38 turns over for ages before starting!

    Can't be certain about the plugs but the leads are new as pointed out by the previous owner when I looked at the car. He has also changed the inlet manifold at some point which might mean a possible bad replacement. I'll go look for this sensor as its a nice evening... i shall return...
  2. Frostycab

    RAVE... where is it?

    Does anyone know were I can download it? I search the forums, the web... everwhere! All to no avail Can someone please help a frustrated soul! :confused:
  3. Frostycab

    4.0 P38 turns over for ages before starting!

    As per the title, when the rangie has been left over night or had a chance to cool down a bit it takes ages to start, it turn over fast and finally splutters into life. it stinks of petrol too. If started hot it starts straight away. Its almost as if the petrol is draining back to the tank but...
  4. Frostycab

    Amusing P38 Issue... is my missus to short!?

    Success!! Had to take the whole front seat out to get rid of it but the seat runner is now free of lose change and my partner can now drive the car... not too sure yet that thats a good thing but it'll stop her complaining!
  5. Frostycab

    Erratic steering on P38

    Cheers, downloading RAVE as we speak.
  6. Frostycab

    Erratic steering on P38

    Thanks for all the advice, as previously asked can any old tire place like kwik fit check the alignment (although maybe not them exactly... did work experience there and I could tell you some horror stories!!) As for the steering box being centralised, my steering wheel doesn't sit central when...
  7. Frostycab

    Erratic steering on P38

    Well, I checked it today and noticed that the steering damper is looking quite oily also noticed what looked like fresh oil around the bottom of the drivers side hub, can't see where its coming from to be honest but its dripped a little oil onto the tyre as well... eek! I've ordered a damper as...
  8. Frostycab

    Amusing P38 Issue... is my missus to short!?

    Think I may have found the problem! Quite a nice one too... there's a pound coin in the seat runner which is stopping it going fully forward! Makes a nice change, the cars paying me!
  9. Frostycab

    Erratic steering on P38

    Oh and if it help, I'm in Dunbar in East Lothian, plenty of tea, biccies, bacon butties and banter if anyone is up for having a quick gander.
  10. Frostycab

    Amusing P38 Issue... is my missus to short!?

    Slightly embarrassing question, but my delightful other half is only 5ft 2" and on the drive home yesterday with the new rangie asked to have a go. She couldn't get the seat adjusted close enough for her to depress the pedals enough! Going to have a look to see if theres a problem with the seat...
  11. Frostycab

    Erratic steering on P38

    Daft question, but if the alignment needs checked, can I take it to any old tyre place or would you recommend it goes to an indy?
  12. Frostycab

    Erratic steering on P38

    Good idea! Have updated that, My Rangie came with a set of 18" disco alloys on it, would that cause an issue? I'll have to crawl under today and take a butchers, impressed as this would be day 2 of ownership! :D
  13. Frostycab

    Erratic steering on P38

    Hi everyone, quick question regarding my new P38. Just bought the car through Ebay and I'm very pleased with it all except for the steering. It seems to have a mind of its own! It feels as though its not centring properly and feels very wayward and figdity on the motorway. you'll be driving...
  14. Frostycab

    Newbie on the Forum

    Hi Guys and Gals, new to the forum so thought I'd introduce myself. Just bought a P38 4.0 as a workhorse and am chuffed to bits with it! Been wanting ones for years now and finally decided now was the time. Looking forward to chatting away with everyone soon. :)