1. M

    Rumbling noise from front driving me crazy! help?? SOLVED

    Excellent, happy to read you've got it sorted. The shocks were the first one on mine that I had changed when it all started. Last year the two rear ones went as well. Have all Sachs on now.
  2. M

    Freelander 1 Euro 6 conversion? Charge?

    Yes, maybe setting up a website, where people could register if interested. How many cars did they say would be affected? 100,000? PS Had a talk with someone from at the garage yesterday and he said there might also be people need changing jobs that can't afford to get another car, bur working...
  3. M

    New owner dazzled by gadgets..

    Have you tried copy and paste;)
  4. M

    Rumbling noise from front driving me crazy! help?? SOLVED

    Did you check the engine mounts? After I had changed all on the front I went to the garage last year, saying that I was still having trouble and that as everything was changed already the only bit I could think of were the engine mounts. They came back with front lower one as far as I remember...
  5. M

    Freelander 1 MAF unplugged and MOT

    Yes, I am curious as well. Having no remap, but some emissions saver still. Might give it a try.
  6. M

    Freelander 1 MAF unplugged and MOT

    No note about the MAF not connected and that's why failed or just failed due to bad emissions? What did you do, connect and go back?
  7. M

    Freelander 1 MAF unplugged and MOT

    No the MAF should still be fine, even though it's a 25£ off ebay one. I have a new Bosch around as well, but testing as it seems that power is better without and fuel seems to be better as well. It's a bit up and down, might be more related to the missing temp. sensor on the MAF. No, the MAF...
  8. M

    Rumbling noise from front driving me crazy! help?? SOLVED

    You're welcome. Getting there.
  9. M

    Freelander 1 MAF unplugged and MOT

    No. it's not on and last year I had three amigos and it passed.
  10. M

    Freelander 1 MAF unplugged and MOT

    Morning All, will it be detected if a MAF is unplugged for a MOT? Especially for smoke emissions? Do they check on fault codes or so kind of things? KR
  11. M

    Rumbling noise from front driving me crazy! help?? SOLVED

    I know what you mean. My one is '02 auto. Havin' the same on the fuel con side. You're one is 19 y.o. so needs a bit of maintenance. My theory behind is that once you start on one side you'll end up on the other as always the weakest link breaks. That video came up on my YT yesterday. I think...
  12. M

    Freelander 1 Euro 6 conversion? Charge?

    Is it that MIRA Technology Park you're talking about? Yes, ULEZ would be the reason for me as well. I was in in touch with Emission Analytics some years ago to get my car tested, but they wanted about 8k for that. They have a tester the manufacturer in Austria used. In Germany you could rent...
  13. M

    Freelander 1 Td4 Engine oil now overfilled?

    Yes, will check over the next days again, thank you, GG. No, they didn't say how much they put in, just that it was much as they took out. The one bloke from that garage said once when I mentioned 6.8 litres, he would be surprised if more than 5.5l would go in. When I sucked it out the other...
  14. M

    Rumbling noise from front driving me crazy! help?? SOLVED

    Just thought about the ARB on my one. Those were changed as well? On mine the coating of the anti-roll-bar is gone therefore they don't last very long.
  15. M

    Rumbling noise from front driving me crazy! help?? SOLVED

    Would also have said the drop link. Since it first started in 2017 changing every year, but as @andyfreelandy mentioned on another thread some days ago I ordered one from Meyle HD, hope that'll help. When you changed the wishbone, did you also change that one RBX101780 as well? It's not really...
  16. M

    Freelander 1 Td4 Engine oil now overfilled?

    Sucked about 1.2l out, now it looks more like it. Will observe further, re HPp. Thanks for your help.
  17. M

    Freelander 1 Td4 Engine oil now overfilled?

    This morning when we went out with the do it smelt badly, but again not sure if oil or diesel. Then it disappeared. Have taken some more pictures and am puzzled how that can be ok here: It's at an angle that it should be fine for the check, but if I would wait for a while then it would maybe...
  18. M

    Freelander 1 Td4 Engine oil now overfilled?

    Will keep an eye on it after I drain it myself, thank you GG.
  19. M

    Freelander 1 Td4 Engine oil now overfilled?

    They did it the old way and filled in what they took in l. Was there earlier and they said it would be fine. Bit odd, have shown him one of the pictures. Asked me if I would have turned the dipstick around, said no only for the picture to lift a bit. Checked again when home looks the same like...