1. frog hopper

    speedo worm drives

    That is about the usual variance I belive, it is normal for an analogue speedo to read a bit high. It is possible to change the drive gear to get it more accurate.
  2. frog hopper

    P38A Duchess is in the garage!

    Thanks for that, yes I am aware of that, and that is one reason it may not be quite so straight forward. The ironic thing was that I was all tooled up ready for a licence swap years ago, only to be told by the powers that be to not bother as the UK licence was valid. With brexit on the horizon I...
  3. frog hopper

    P38A Duchess is in the garage!

    Yes thanks, I got the EU one last year after a lot of faffing about, then of course had to change it for the "after brexit" one. That at least was easy. Now just about to start jumping through hoops to exchange my driving licence.
  4. frog hopper

    P38A Duchess is in the garage!

    Ey up @Datatek , nice to see you, how's it all going?
  5. frog hopper

    Lets see your rims

    Old un's, but good un's. I want to change the rubber, but after hardly using Buttercup for 18 months it's going to be next year now.
  6. frog hopper

    Where do you keep your landy?

    I need to get some paint on the tow hitch, her arse is starting to look well scruffy!:D:D:D
  7. frog hopper

    Where do you keep your landy?

    This is half of it, not got a better photo to hand.
  8. frog hopper

    Where do you keep your landy?

    I built a large open sided lean to on the back of one of our barns, direct access to the parking space/road. It protects from the worst of the weather and is good in that there is plenty of ventilation. Theft is not really a problem around here (famous last words) but if we go away for more than...
  9. frog hopper


    Classic case of fashion over function as far as I'm concerned. Get a refund and go for something simple that works.
  10. frog hopper

    Tyre size.

    Does it not tell you in the manwell...............??
  11. frog hopper

    Why doesn't my handbrake work?

    The roller and wedge original system will work well if looked after. When I used to trial in comps part of the scrutineering was that the hand brake had to hold on a minimum slope of 45 degrees. Never had a problem with that as long as everything was set up properly.
  12. frog hopper

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Heard of a chap who gets up an hour early so he can have a rest before he goes to work. :D:D:D
  13. frog hopper

    beam deflectors for euro driving

    That's what I do, black gaffer tape and cut to suit the lines on the glass after fitting. May not be right but never had a problem.
  14. frog hopper

    Halfords, credit where it's due.

    +1 on the returns policy. I bust the flutes on the tip of a phillips bit on an impact driver, thought there was no chance of a replacement, but there you go, full exchange. Brilliant.
  15. frog hopper

    Help please

    Well, I feel quite inadequate now. Nobody's following me. :(:(:oops::oops::oops: Much more of this and I shall be jumping off my wallet.
  16. frog hopper

    1985 90 Rear Door Check Strap Removal!

    Google reciprocating tool, images. Carefull now.
  17. frog hopper

    1985 90 Rear Door Check Strap Removal!

    I had same trouble sorry. (posting the link)
  18. frog hopper

    P38A Cheap tyres to get through MOT

    Years ago I knew a guy whose gran lived on one of the islands, he always paid extra for next day delivery from Gloucestershire, always got a refund as they always failed. Least that's wot e said.
  19. frog hopper

    Rusty half shafts?

    I thought the main function of the breather was to allow air to enter the axle when a warm axle went into cold water, otherwise water could be pulled into the axle through the seals on the hub. Not just a puddle, but where the vehicle had driven on the road (say) and then entered flood water or...
  20. frog hopper

    So Hands Up...Whos Sprayed There Door Cards?

    Some years ago I tried cleaning the mud/water level off my door cards, not very successfull I must say. Thought about paint, then thought "sod it - it's like dents in the wings - honorable battle scars".