1. Teflon

    lpg gauges led on dash

    As I understand it, its a pressure transduser for the LED's and a recalibrated pressure guage for the mechanical tank dial. Hence the unreliability. Petrol guages read the level of the tank from a ballcock on a pottentiomenter, but with gas sure its done on pressure, hence the vaguary, as they...
  2. Teflon

    Isn't this site just for landys?

    You know, I thought about pointing him at LRO, just for a laugh..... Chief Admin is Cruiser......... drives a Surf!
  3. Teflon

    lpg gauges led on dash

    I think they're all like that, TBH. Bloke that finds a 'cure' to the guess guage will cause a stampede! I think that it's as much as anything a sensitivity 'thing'; The led guages seem are a lot more sensitive than a mechanical guage, so they dont have the self damping in the system to...
  4. Teflon

    What would be a 1st mod to a Suzuki SJ?

    Seriouse answer, the little SJ is actually quite a capable little off-roader. Its main problem is the tw@s that tend to drive them! And the idea that they need extreme mods to be cool & useful...... The 'Ultimate' SJ apparently being a leaf sprung Range Rover! Anyway..... So dont...
  5. Teflon

    Apart from your landy.........

    A blue 3.9 auto Range Rover..... another blue 3.9 auto Range Rover with an MOT and a Honda Chavic auto, that I've sort of stolen........ HORRIBLE bluddy thing, known as 'the Little Silver Safe' after my nine year old locked the keys in it, and we discovered that there is only ONE key for it...
  6. Teflon

    Isn't this site just for landys?

    I Dont have a problem with it. If they are talking green-lanes on the green-lane section, thats what its there for, innit? So they drive a Toyota... obviousely they get better quality advice on a Land-Rover forum, take it as a compliment!
  7. Teflon

    Towin Eye

    Stropping the axle is a procedure in the REME recovery manual, and a technique that used to be vaunted, and a few years ago, you could actually buy an axle bridle 'kit', basically winch-cable, permenantly attached to the axle at the swivil flanges, and looped up to the chassis and held on cable...
  8. Teflon

    Towin Eye

    Strop: under axle at the off-side; over the top of the diff housing, back under other side of the axle, loops brought back together to form a bridle. Strop is kept low, away from the valence, and lines of force are beneficial as they dont have to be transmitted through the suspension links.
  9. Teflon

    What wheels !

    More likely going from an imperial sized cross-ply to a metric sized radial... or the tread patern, or the wheels, or the bludy tyre pressure...... there's quite a few vaiables in there, and on a 90, you have a completely different steering arrangement with different linkage ratio's; you dont...
  10. Teflon


    As Paul's comment, but you keep sating 'stinger' I presume you have a very short plastic arial? They are notoriousely 'compromised' for range & reception; difficult to 'trim' for SWR too.... have you got the instructions that came with the kit, and have you checked out the 'FAQ / Help sections...
  11. Teflon


    Did you buy it new, or off e-bay or something? Very easy to blow the transmitter transistors in a CB set if the arial isn't connected, the arial or cabling is damaged, or its REALLY badly set up. Lot of 2nd hand rigs that have been 'popped' and are beyond ecconomic repair get punted out 2nd...
  12. Teflon

    My stolen landy has been found!!!!

    :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Thieves must have taken pitty on him having to drive a MKIII 'tina!
  13. Teflon

    Sluggish V8

    The phenomina of turbulance increasing performance in an engine was first recorded by the Norton motorcycle factory, around the mid 1920's, when they released the first Norton 'International' road going 'replica' of the Manx TT winning race bike. They polished the ports on the road going...
  14. Teflon

    What wheels !

    OK, what have you got to fit them to and why do you think that tyres more than TWICE the width the factory fitted are a good idea? The wheels they are fitted to should probably have a wider offset and give about an extra inch of track width, and to that you can add a set of 30mm spacers for...
  15. Teflon

    Clutch or gear box.......?

    Sounds like a bit of both. For now, try changing the clutch fluid & bleeding. It will be the syncro cones going thin inside the box, giving the notch out of 1st and difficult engagement of 2nd, but it will be exacserbated if the clutch is a bit thin and you're not t aking all the load off them...
  16. Teflon

    My stolen landy has been found!!!!

    If you have banked a 'settlement' then the vehicle is the property of the insurance Co and thiers to dispose of however they think most eccomomical. They may give you first refusal on it, they might not even bother telling you what they will do with it. If you dont have a settlement, then...
  17. Teflon

    Quick question!

    Check out the ALRC, gives list of all the regional LR Clubs, annual membership is about £20 a year, and you should get a load of REAL and useable benefits with it, like access to Trail-Wise as well as cheap P&P days, RTV events and all the other guff.... worth the doing even if it DOESN'T get...
  18. Teflon

    USB set up ?

    Well beyond me, but configuring a GPS mouse, had to run a bit of software to create a 'virtual' Com-Port that then read the USB the GPS was plugged into..... Could that help?
  19. Teflon

    Any advice greatly appreciated.

    Personally, the way they have 'gone' in the last ten years, and the way the Gov't is effing about with the regs, I'd be inclined to stick with the old'n until at LEAST the next government! whether just running it into the ground or patching & plating it by and by. And THEN, my personal...
  20. Teflon

    What wheels !

    750's are about the biggest tyre diameter wise you can comfortably fit on a series without other mods. Factory fitted 900's to the 1-ton, but to do so they fitted a lower ratio x-fer box to get the gearing back to something sensible, and put extended spring hangers on the chassis and shackles...