1. D

    Steering and front prop

    Hi, does anyone run their Series without a front prop? how’s the steering? I’ve not done much more to mine for quite a while as I’ve been finishing another car off, however before that I found my steering to be wayward. I don’t expect it to be great, but it was not good, so, I have replaced...
  2. D

    Britpart swivel seal any good?

    Just fitted mine. Seem ok so far.
  3. D

    Steering relay - usual issues but cv grease?

    Success! I’ve got the relay out of the chassis… at long last. A bit Heath Robinson granted, but using parts of my press and the engine lift I set up this. Moved a little. filth… Started the clean up….
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    Steering relay - usual issues but cv grease?

    Mines 164mm. I’ve ordered a new one too. I’ll let you know what that measures…
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    Steering relay - usual issues but cv grease?

    Brilliant thanks for that, they do seem “better” but wasn’t sure. Maybe they are pre oiled… another thought, do I need to use a thread lock sealant for the bottom bolt that acts a a drain hole? It would seem to make sense otherwise the oil will just run out past the thread maybe, or does...
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    Steering relay - usual issues but cv grease?

    That seems safer, I just need to get it out of the chassis to do it that way, otherwise it needs to be the scary method… out of interest, I have two sets of bushes. Both seemingly from Land Rover packaging, but look quite different. Which should I go for or is it likely to not really matter…
  7. D

    Steering relay - usual issues but cv grease?

    Awesome job! I now have the parts, unfortunately I’ll be building mine back up in situ..
  8. D

    Steering column shaft - use or Britpart?

    I had ordered a britpart worm and nut, however apparently they’re unavailable (probably stuck in the suez or Brexit or Covid etc) so it’s been refunded and cancelled. It’s a sign to not use britpart! So I’ll check these guys out! Thanks
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    Steering relay - usual issues but cv grease?

    Shaft’s here. Looks ok do you guys mind telling me if you paid for mail air for about £12 or standard air for about £23? Package shows cost was 9.90 euros… don’t mind paying for packaging etc, but more than double is a bit steep!
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    Steering column shaft - use or Britpart?

    No obvious problems specific to the chip, although I’ve not driven it much… bit stiff but that could’ve been the relay or numerous other things. the pitting is similar on both so, logic would say use the non chipped one I think. rebuild kit is britpart anyway, so I guess that’s as likely to...
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    Steering column shaft - use or Britpart?

    Hi, stripped the steering box. Found this…. So, stripped a spare box to check that one. No chip damage however the bearing race is pitted. Thoughts on how useable it is from the photos below? Or, buy a replacement which seem to be britpart. Any experience with these? Usually it’s avoid, but...
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    Steering relay - usual issues but cv grease?

    That’s good news. mine’s still at Heathrow :-(
  13. D

    Steering relay - usual issues but cv grease?

    Ah yes, at LANGLEY HWDC… Heathrow…
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    Steering relay - usual issues but cv grease?

    Should’ve ordered some bushes for them maybe?
  15. D

    Steering relay - usual issues but cv grease?

    I’ve now have confirmation of it being shipped and a tracking number FYI. I’m sure they’ll be in touch.
  16. D

    Steering relay - usual issues but cv grease?

    Hi, yes, got an email. Also I can log in and see the order on my account described as “processing”.