1. skint-as-usual

    LZ11 as it happens (put yer pics in ere)

    Errm yes, but usually 90 degrees upover :) Them bottles of yours, over the "difficult bit" - here take a ride. and then what :) Ah well all got through, no tows 'nor owt Did wave to say goodbye too, as your tent was coming down.
  2. skint-as-usual

    thanks to all

    So who will open the planning thread for next year? What were your impressions people who went? NO PROBS WITH THIS YEAR - REALLY ENJOTED IT - but how many more could have helped? So not all sh*t is taken on by a small few - or was I mistaken? Thanks to all who spent their time...
  3. skint-as-usual

    LZ11 as it happens (put yer pics in ere)

    The drab olive green 90 was skint-as-usual Pleased to meet you both - brilliant driving through the rape seed oil mate :)
  4. skint-as-usual

    Defender windscreen wiper question

    If this oversweeps all of the time and there is only a small amount of play then I suggest that you strip the motor and check the MOTOR CRANK GEAR to see what it is rated at. There should be a number stamped on it showing degrees of sweep.
  5. skint-as-usual

    LZ11 as it happens (put yer pics in ere)

    Pop down & charge it up ;)
  6. skint-as-usual

    LZ11 as it happens (put yer pics in ere)

    Green Lane Route 1 - a sticky bit
  7. skint-as-usual

    LZ11 as it happens (put yer pics in ere)

    Well, the sun is out :)
  8. skint-as-usual

    LZ11 as it happens (put yer pics in ere)

    Well here a panorama at about 20:05 hours. Is is a small and poxy image as it has been re-sized. The original is 28Mb and would take 2 weeks to upload over this connection
  9. skint-as-usual

    so who is turning up and when?

    Caravan site
  10. skint-as-usual

    so who is turning up and when?

    Probably not - oops wait and see
  11. skint-as-usual


    Well, have you? Which one & how much trouble can you imagine? :)
  12. skint-as-usual


    I don't think that the front washer pump would flood the passenger footwell unless the tube was fractured. The rear wash feed goes straight up the passenger side A post, again it should be continuous from pump to spigot unless fractured as it comes through the bulkhead. So one of the 2...
  13. skint-as-usual

    so who is turning up and when?

    Well I am here. It is wet, raining and cool - put the awning up tomorrow am. At least the hook up is on, fridge on and beer chilling in the freezer. Have had fish & chips for tea too. Gas fire on & water heating up for a wash :)
  14. skint-as-usual

    cake wars

    Cakes are done. Lets see if they last to the weekend 2no chocolate cakes: Cross-section:
  15. skint-as-usual

    so who is turning up and when?

    More than likely :)
  16. skint-as-usual

    so who is turning up and when?

    Me, I'll be there Thursday through Tuesday For reasons behind this ....
  17. skint-as-usual

    cake wars

    needs to be proper bread pudding then, currants, rasins, cream & all that sort of stuff??
  18. skint-as-usual

    cake wars

    Well, I'll make 2 chocolate cakes and see what happens :-)
  19. skint-as-usual

    What's this then?

    Its just a spare bit. Leave it to one side for ten years or so, then it's use may come clear. Or so rotten through its useless ....