1. SteveD

    10th May - Laning Warwickshire/Leicestershire/Northamptonshire

    Took my name off as Debs is working so we won't make it :( 1. Ginge 2. Funkykipper 3. Bump 4. whitto999 5. Bushwwacker 6. Jas_Williams 7. Pikey & Minty 8. Paul D 9. SES88 10.HiDeeHi 11. Kizzeh 12.Flatlander, and Mrs. Flatlander if she isn't busy selling cakes...
  2. SteveD

    Needle gun

    Bugger, summat else I don't really need that I've got to have :( Like the chainsaw I bought cheap that has sat in my workshop unused for the past 18 months.
  3. SteveD

    Which egr kit to buy

    I'm guessing the first seller is out of stock looking at the price.
  4. SteveD

    LandyLive! Stratford-upon-Avon Racecourse 7-8 June 2014

    Any news on whether Landy Towers will be attending?
  5. SteveD

    Hats Off To Adrian Flux!

    Surely the point of paying a broker is for them to assist you whether that's for claims, a change of vehicle or whatever.
  6. SteveD

    Prelove scam

    The way it works is that the cheque was probably stolen. It can sometimes take weeks for a stolen cheque to be picked up by the bank, in the meantime the cheque would show as cleared on your account (this is done on time i.e. your bank haven't heard any different) and would then bounce and the...
  7. SteveD

    Hats Off To Adrian Flux!

    I don't think many people have complained about AF's ability to take money off them. It's their treatment re: Poppy's claim that has shown them in such a bad light.
  8. SteveD

    Towing - licences after jan 1997

    From https://www.gov.uk/towing-with-car 1. Driving licence rules and what you can tow The rules on what you can tow are different depending on when you passed your driving test. Licences issued from 19 January 2013 From 19 January 2013, drivers passing a category B (car and small...
  9. SteveD

    My Adrian Flux/ULR insurance claim woes!

    I had a similar experience trying to insure my Disco for business use, they quoted me but it seemed too good to be true. I rang back later and checked, despite me saying (about 4 times) that I wanted business use I had been quoted for SDP + Commuting. I hate to think what would have happened if...
  10. SteveD

    Camp kitchen

    I can't believe the Army stopped using the No 1 burner. What a bunch of wusses Eyebrows are so overated :)
  11. SteveD

    disco 300 tdi

    It's used for keeping the wheels apart.
  12. SteveD

    rangerover windscreen removal

    Try one of these? Windscreen Removal Tool Glass Bonding SCREEN CUTTER | eBay
  13. SteveD

    Looking for insurance

    I can't believe people are recommending Flux! Have you all forgotten this thread? http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f16/my-adrian-flux-ulr-insurance-claim-woes-248943.html Have you ever seen a policy that excludes part of the road network? That's like saying 'some don't cover B roads'...
  14. SteveD

    10 th anniversary bash who is going thread

    Bushwwacker and mrs Bushwwacker Accywingy ROY 110 WOMAN Blue Beasty +1 and Beastlet FANATIC PONTYSLAPPER + SWMBO and the likkle slappers, Em 6 & Tom 2 - both landy nuts - Glamming it oop int glamping pods as its SWMBO's 40th on weekend before. DEFENDER11069 LISTERDIESEL + Mrs Listerdiesel + D2 +...
  15. SteveD

    Price comparison between local supplier and ebay.

    I do this all the time for a couple of reasons: i) It keeps me out of the clutches off the vat man by keeping my turnover down below the threshold. ii) People know exactly what they are paying me to do a job. Works for me :)
  16. SteveD

    Cannot post in parts and accessories

    **** taking bastid :)
  17. SteveD

    Freelander 1 TD4. What mileage before problems?

    I can't believe you are splitting hairs over 2.5 mile but I will :praise: to your superior knowledge :)
  18. SteveD

    Cannot post in parts and accessories

    Yeah but it's hilarious when they tolerate the ridicule and then some bastid resets their post count when they get to 49 :) Of course there is another way. Just join in the forum.
  19. SteveD

    hard top and tax, LEZ

    If you enlarge that map enough you can see that it excludes the M25, part of the A127 etc :)