1. dubbleRR

    P38A Air con thoughts.

    When mine packed in it was the condenser that went :rolleyes: think on one of the corners,.Got a new one a nissin one ,some green rubber seals,all good,,,but might be coincidental but my book light,symbol, came on briefly ...Now the compressor kicks in about three times a minute or so and is...
  2. dubbleRR

    P38A all of sudden wont restart

    Sounds like a bad earth to the engine ,possibly...try moving the gear selector slowly from p ,to,1 while trying to start ,might connect ,say 2nd n start,then its a bad or mis aligned xyz switch,,,,;) o keep foot on brake just in case it starts....:rolleyes:
  3. dubbleRR

    Hunting the noise

    Has it got a handbrake drum on the rear of the gearbox, could the handbrake cable be transmitting noise into the cabin ,just a though :rolleyes:/......
  4. dubbleRR

    P38A How do I make it black again?

    I used stuff called forever black ,its about £16 a bottle amazon ,ebay .....ect.... on the grill n under the front lights ,it needing redone,but its been 4or5 years ,it a dye for plastic ,it dyes every thing ,so be careful,near painted bits:eek::D:D;)
  5. dubbleRR

    P38A Temperature gauge

    I like switches with big buttons and a descent satisfying click ,n a light to tell you that its on ,or off......:D Probably thats why they invented ,collision prevention on cars ,For people looking at the screens n not the road:rolleyes::D:D:D
  6. dubbleRR

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    I will have you know ,sir ,theirs nothing wrong with my shaft :pS :D
  7. dubbleRR

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    OH i also tested my vcu while i had it up in the air ,,It seamed lighter to turn than i remember ,maybe i getting stronger :rolleyes::D:D..
  8. dubbleRR

    P38A Oh what have I done...

    Has it got an egr ,and a maf ,,if so try unplugging both ;)....
  9. dubbleRR

    P38A Worrying whine from front end -road speed related

    ]Just say if you want your scarf back,no need to be dropping hints.;):D:rolleyes: That will be the bright pink feather boa one,,,,,darling :oops:..:D
  10. dubbleRR

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    NO, had to make my own entertainment,,,its a wonder i didn't go blind,,,,,,from all that telly :p:rolleyes: ..come to think of it ,i prob cut my teeth on a 1/2 inch spanner :D:D:D:D
  11. dubbleRR

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Yep i greased the piston at full length:oops:, and each time i pressed it back it got lighter n lighter till it was sliding back in with one finger :rolleyes:,,,,,,On the tool :p .now just the back to do ,,,I start with brake fluid but its not a very good lube ,add grease ,till theres a...
  12. dubbleRR

    P38A Worrying whine from front end -road speed related

    What is it we all say ,,,,,if theres no pictures it never happened ,,,,ITS OK,, I for one, DONT NEED PROOF:oops::D:D
  13. dubbleRR

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Today i striped n cleaned the front brakes and one piston on near side ,was almost solid ,better now iv moved it in n out a dozen times ,anyway the point,,I was getting a squeak at low speed ,when passing parked cars:( ,on passenger side and a bit of a drag ,pull to that side ,,and that bloody...
  14. dubbleRR

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    And you get free road tax and if you time it right ,a full tank o fuel :oops::D:D
  15. dubbleRR

    L322 Fatal mistake

    If you turn the steering left n right full lock ,does that reset the angle sensor ...just a thought ..:rolleyes:.
  16. dubbleRR

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    ,Aaa,nd egr,s ,,not two ,well there is two ,,expensive but it all adds up ...:rolleyes::D:D
  17. dubbleRR

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    And that why i dont have 2 ,Iknow the l322 is like night n day to drive,against the p38,,so many many people have said ,but i never indulged my self ,if i did i would not want to part with me p38 ,n , id be where u are now:eek:,,,,,but but a mate of mines round the corner had a l322 ,and now...
  18. dubbleRR

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Yea see mince n tattys is brill ,till you have steak ,then is not as good ,:rolleyes: and now you will find lots of reasons why you need one ,and why cause you dipped your toe in the water and it felt good :oops::D:D
  19. dubbleRR

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    The price wont matter ,once hooked the madness takes over :eek::eek::eek::eek::confused::D
  20. dubbleRR

    P38A DSE won't idle

    Think its in the background behind the smoke cloud to the right ...:rolleyes::D:D