1. GlowingBulb

    Snorkel... cant find one anywhere :(

    A mighty fine cleavage it would have been though :screaming_bug_eye_f
  2. GlowingBulb

    Snorkel... cant find one anywhere :(

    Freebies are not as capable as Defenders off road generally but far more capable than what most people think (in small doses)... Firstly the doors dont always fall off when they get wet: The can go places you'd never believe until you try (with a little help from the 'tratter boys)...
  3. GlowingBulb

    Greenlanes around Holmfirth

    Have a good time Saturday guys, gutted the gaylander clutch decided to die on me, Mrs bulb would murder me if I took it laning again & killed it. If theres a spare seat give me a shout, would love to come but until I get a "real" landy after Xmas there wont be any more laning for me :(
  4. GlowingBulb

    Some great lanes in Derbyshire about to be lost for ever :mad:

    So Ive read what has been made available on PDs site & Id hate to see yet more green lanes in my local area get slapped with a TRO. Is there some kind of template email that can be modified & sent in opposition available somewhere? Bloody sure the sandle & bobble hat brigade have something like...
  5. GlowingBulb

    West Yorkshire green lanes

    N-n-n-n-necro! You've just dug up a 10month old thread :scratching_chin:
  6. GlowingBulb

    Hatfields Land Rover Liverpool

    I'm hankering after a new TDCi 'fender, could you sort me out with 1 of those at trade price? TIA :)
  7. GlowingBulb

    Clutch removal

    Good luck buddy! Be sure to follow all the .pdf links in RAVE, its a pain working backwards but you'll at least see the full extent of the work involved as per Land Rovers recommendations. When it got to the part concerning the gearbox removal & supporting the engine, I bottled out!
  8. GlowingBulb

    Clutch removal

    I also think its the wrong engine buddy, I looked at that when I was considering changing my clutch a couple of weeks ago. Download the RAVE .iso (Land Rover Workshop Manual) for the complete story on whats involved. That quick write-up makes it seems easy... I bottled out 1/2 way through :(
  9. GlowingBulb

    Something a bit different

    Absolutely priceless, great pics :D
  10. GlowingBulb

    Greenlanes around Holmfirth

    Sounds like you're still having fun, I'm sure Nick's Disco looks better with an extra racing stripe! Just got a call from the garage that the gaylander's clutch is sorted, £460 lighter but hopefully should get a few more months out of it until I swap for something more suitable for abuse on...
  11. GlowingBulb

    Bite The Clutch Bullet..........

    Had the same issue after taking the freebie greenlaning with the 'tratter boys around Holmfirth a couple of weeks ago, the freelander seriously needs a low box if you're manual. Had a few walkers go past me commenting on the burning smell. Besides the clutch I think it did a fantastic job, take...
  12. GlowingBulb

    Manchester Disco Newbie

    Welcome to the forum matey, you'll get used to working on your landy until eventually you know every nut & bolt intimately
  13. GlowingBulb

    North Yorkshire Lanes

    Already got a wish list... Snorkel, big black round wheels with knobly bits on them, diff-sump-underbody guards, CB, remap, rock sliders Then its lift, winch, bigger wheels with bigger knobly bits Finally flared arches, lots of spoilers, 2 x 12" subs, lights under the arches, racing...
  14. GlowingBulb

    North Yorkshire Lanes

    Clutch fubar'd, slipping on the way into work this morning & biting point is almost at the top of its travel so thats a fun filled Saturday replacing it, will replace the fluid also as the pedal is very light. Hopefully wont need a slave / master too :( Good news is Mrs Bulb seems all in...
  15. GlowingBulb

    Greenlanes around Holmfirth

    Saw some lanes around Ilkley that could be interesting...
  16. GlowingBulb

    Greenlanes around Holmfirth

    1st time I saw him do it I just thought he was 1 of those guys that used the soft & fleshy parts of his body to help protect his mates 4x4's from getting damaged.
  17. GlowingBulb

    Greenlaning Freebie

    newby trip 8912 first - YouTube Finally, at 4:30 watch a friendly Yorkshireman (I've heard him described as a veteran recently) pull my "soft roader" from balancing on the back wheels to getting drive from the front (about 4ft up) All in all the North Yorkshire Laners are an awesome group...
  18. GlowingBulb

    Greenlanes around Holmfirth

    Every laning trip should come with a Paul & Nick as standard, actually, every green oval sold should come with small versions of them in the boot ;)
  19. GlowingBulb

    Greenlaning Freebie

    Cant recommend them enough. Slightly noisier on the road but still handles the same as road tyres on tarmac, great on dry stuff like in the vids, struggle a little when up to my axles in wet peat but thats to be expected with a close tread profile.