1. Landybandy

    Towbar Spacers and Bike Racks

    Got any Pics so we can see what you mean? Will be able to help you better then.
  2. Landybandy

    Discovery td5 ACE ecu problems???

    Whatever Landrover garage was stumped over this need to go on a course to brush up on their skills. What independent was this, just to remind us not to take our landies there. Glad it's all ok now tho! Oh yeah what make were the link arms & where did you get em? Did you get a full refund?
  3. Landybandy

    V8 won't start - help please

    Just to double check! Have you got another car to swap the batteries over to see if it is the culprit. Otherwise you'l never know.
  4. Landybandy

    V8 won't start - help please

    Yeah as stchris356 says it's your battery. Had exact prob on my car 3 weeks ago, the cold spell we all had has damaged or killed older batteries off. Hence the clicking noise coming from the engine bay when trying to turn over.
  5. Landybandy

    Drying out headlights etc, ??

    Use the misses hair dryer she'l love that. Be careful not to get it too wet or you will blow yourself & the rest of the household up. That'l really **** her off, good luck.
  6. Landybandy

    aggressive traction control help

    If you lose traction it's doing it's job correctly. If it's doing this while accelerating on the road ie tarmach then summat is wrong. I'm sure one of the pros will be along shortly to shed some light. Are you getting the TC light & noise by any chance?
  7. Landybandy

    Which Discovery for A Virgin owner

    In that case I'd say td5, many on here will disagree, but that's my own opinion. They all have their own niggly problems, I got td5 & 200tdi both I absolutely love to death.
  8. Landybandy

    Which Discovery for A Virgin owner

    It all depends on how deep your pocket is then. No ones is the same, I'd say go for earlier type their less problamatic & and any serious problems should have been sorted by now. The v8 is nice tho.
  9. Landybandy


    Hi thanks for the replies folks! Steave y your quite close to me so if you got a spare bit of time to have a look, that would be fab mate. Pm your mobile number & I shall call you to arrange day/date/time .
  10. Landybandy


    I don't know if I'm supposed to post this here, but here it goes any way. Has anyone on here got any of these (nanocom/hawkeye) up my way near Swansea. So I can put my disco on to sort my ace light out and to get a fault code off. Oh and for some beer token of course, I don't want to pay main...
  11. Landybandy

    Sump plug stuck 300 tdi - elp pls

    Have you rounded it off? If not it's got to crack at sum point, with all due respect sir you are turning it anti-clockwise arnt you!
  12. Landybandy

    Disco 2 td5

    Thanks for all your input guys!!!!!! Will plug it in and see what he quack says then.
  13. Landybandy

    Disco 2 td5

    Sierrafery Year mine jumps on the one side too!!!! Did you have amber ace light on too when this happened?
  14. Landybandy

    Disco 2 td5

    Can it not be bled without nanocom? so what your suggesting is there's air in the system. Has this happened to you?
  15. Landybandy

    Air Suspension has got to 100k Change the bags or not?

    Ever heared of the saying "touch wood" lol sorry to laugh at your misfortune but that's bloody typical.
  16. Landybandy

    ACE Red Light

    Take the ace off and put normal anti roll bars on. This is a much cheaper fix. And your eyes won't water so much.
  17. Landybandy

    facelift headlight

    Don't suppose you got moisture in the unit itself? (condensation) if so eradicate the source of water. If you put the bulb in remember not to touch the glass it's very sensitive. Hope this helps a little.
  18. Landybandy

    Disco 2 td5

    Just out of intrest sake, my disco has ACE & sometimes in the colder weather when first started up, it starts to jump and I mean literally. When I drive a few revolutions the ACE light comes on Amber and stays on until this may happen again, weeks maybee months later. (when light is on the...
  19. Landybandy

    SLS Poss Air Spring Leak ?

    When one of my ride height sesors went, the one side of my discovery went right down to the bump stop. Saying that it didn't go back up when I switched the ignition on, it just stayed there. Replaced the sensors, done both was no point in just doing the offender & hay presto. Easy job to do too...
  20. Landybandy

    My first landy!!

    Hi hope you got lots & lots of spanners your gonna need them. But you will get addicted to what we call the landy bug. Happy motoring & welcome.