1. W

    Freelander 1 What to ask?

    Morning I sold my V reg with a genuine 48k on it last year and got £800! It was like new with full SH, only my Dad and myself as owners so don't set your hopes too high!!!
  2. W

    Evoque 2013 top spec £25k?

    Cruel but bloody funny!:D:D:D:D
  3. W

    Evoque 2013 top spec £25k?

    Oh and she detests my L322 as "it's too big and causes too many problems". If that's the price of having a car that she doesn't take instead of her own then I can live with that (hope she doesn't read this)
  4. W

    Evoque 2013 top spec £25k?

    To add to my hatred of the Evoque (granted, not as much as Saint and certainly not as passionate), there is an Evoque in Morecambe painted bright pink. Being colour blind, I asked my wife to confirm my suspicions of the colour and she said that she liked it. Nuff said ....
  5. W

    P38A Not seen this before...

    From past experience, there is no need to install an "Oil Slick" button on a Land Rover, they do that by themselves. I named the little patch on my driveway the "Discovery Drip". Kinda cute in a way :rolleyes:
  6. W

    Other Are you interested in......

    I'll certainly enjoy reading your guide and expertise Ant but as long as I have a trusty hole in my rear end, I would never attempt it myself and I don't put myself in the numpty category. Spineless and fearful maybe but never numpty. (Unless you ask my wife of course but her fave nickname...
  7. W

    L322 Can yer guess what time it is...???

    Best of luck Ant and may I say, I'm a tad envious of that workspace!!!!
  8. W

    L322 buying advice

    All joking aside though, I'd like to get round to trying the 4.6 on LPG <dribbles>
  9. W

    L322 buying advice

    Being towed behind a Macadam truck doesn't count ;);)
  10. W

    Is £2,500 enough?

    Let you off then old bean :D:D
  11. W


    I love the token bricks under the rear wheels to stop it rolling back in case the roof gives more!!!!
  12. W

    L322 buying advice

    One final thing about the mpg. With the miles I do (less than 5K per year), it is cheaper from me to run an LPG V8 than a diesel and it's getting cheaper as LPG just keeps dropping around here. I hover around 12.5 - 15 mpg around town depending on how heavy my foot is on the day and 21+ on the...
  13. W

    L322 buying advice

    Here's my two penneth from my personal experience as I'm only approaching 10 months of ownership. What has been said before certainly is true especially the front diff recall, that cost me big time. Watch out for the n/s/r quarter leak as that can knock out your sat nav and your dsp amplifier...
  14. W

    Is £2,500 enough?

    You can't blame your old bones on a Disco seat :) I've had a few Disco's over the years and they've all been comfy in my humble opinion. Is this relevant to the post? No, but a) it's quiet at work and I'm bored so I always come here for a chuckle and b) you had a pop at me on one of my...
  15. W

    For the moment, I will not be on LZ.

    I've heard that people refer to the Land Rover brand as love/hate but love always comes out on top for me. It would take a disaster of global propotions for me to turn on mine
  16. W

    Just My Two Penneth About Dr Tranny

    I hope in your case it works And with my luck so far Ant, what do you reckon!!!!
  17. W

    Just My Two Penneth About Dr Tranny

    Glad it 'cured' the judder, but it could cause further damage in the long run sorry to say. Oh poop, once more I should have told you lot what I was doing before I did it .....
  18. W

    For the moment, I will not be on LZ.

    I'd like to see anyone own one of these vehicles and not get grumpy from time to time!!!!
  19. W

    For the moment, I will not be on LZ.

    Sad that you're not going to be around for a while but approaching 29,000 posts, I'd say you've earned a well deserved rest. Catch up on some sleep :)
  20. W

    Just My Two Penneth About Dr Tranny

    Right, no sniggering at the back! Some of you may know from my previous posts about my gearbox trouble in auto mode. Basically it juddered and freaked and well, to be honest, wasn't a pleasant experience hence why it spent most of it's life in the smooth as silk manual mode. After a bit of...