1. Nick666

    P6 V8 manifolds and loss of power

    Yes I think yours is the proper P6 airbox - not sure what mine is, seems odd to be off-centre like that but hey, it works. Marked as made by 'AC'. It's been sat since I last updated as haven't had the time (or cash) to do anything with it - will probably try a SimonBBC distributor next as the...
  2. Nick666

    P6 V8 manifolds and loss of power

    Brief update here for future reference - wasn't the fuel return on its own anyway, although I think that's improved things slightly. I'm going to replace the distributor / coil / leads in one with the SimonBBC kit, given (having tested it) the vacuum unit isn't working anyway and it'll tick a...
  3. Nick666

    Indicator dash light not working - one side only

    What I found interesting (thankfully I did know they only work one way or I'd have been really scratching my head over the rest of the dash!) was that the same tell-tale bulb works fine for indicating left, it just wouldn't do right! I don't see why it should have made a difference, surely it's...
  4. Nick666

    Indicator dash light not working - one side only

    Swapping the LED bulb for a normal one worked - only thing I could really think of was that the LED bulb only works one way and that the indicator telltale is (in my case) earthing wrong meaning it tries to send current the other way when turning right. No doubt completely wrong!
  5. Nick666

    Indicator dash light not working - one side only

    Yea didn't realise that was for the telltale as well as the indicator bulbs themselves though :) Live and learn eh? Thankfully all the others seem to work once you've figured out which polarity the socket is, so not wasted.
  6. Nick666

    Indicator dash light not working - one side only

    Apparently it doesn't like LED bulbs in it - have replaced it with a normal one and all working fine again. Trying to figure out whether that indicates some sort of earthing fault since an LED bulb will only light when the current is going one direction, whereas a normal bulb will light up...
  7. Nick666

    Land Rover Double-header

    Sunny's airbox was rattling around like a box of pebbles and the catches were useless as they were just hanging there - turns out the PO hadn't fitted the o-ring that seals it at the bottom. Not surprising as it's NLA... thankfully people make so many O-rings for so many things, no problem...
  8. Nick666

    Series 3 Over drive, out with the Fairies or going roaming?

    It makes sense for me to consider because of the V8, but certainly I'd dread the idea of it hooked up to the 2.5NA. [If anything that needs an underdrive the way it's powered right now!]
  9. Nick666

    Series 3 Over drive, out with the Fairies or going roaming?

    The speedo doesn't get altered (according to Ashcroft anyway). ;) No doubt you're right about the mountains though! :)
  10. Nick666

    Series 3 Over drive, out with the Fairies or going roaming?

    I'm not at the stage of seriously planning this yet - hopefully this time next year! So I don't know beyond what's in the description. Sounds about as complex as a 'normal' transfer box rebuild, i.e. no having to shift things around. But Ashcroft have a good rep for customer service, they'd...
  11. Nick666

    Series 3 Over drive, out with the Fairies or going roaming?

    Simon - might not be suitable for your needs (I'm not sure if you have an LT77 or a series box) but have you considered the Ashcroft high ratio transfer kit?
  12. Nick666

    3.5 on SUs - lag

    This sounds weirdly familiar. Haven't fixed my problem either. Following!
  13. Nick666

    P6 V8 manifolds and loss of power

    Modification as per the attached. The internal diameter of the new hose nozzle is significantly smaller than the other ones I have, interestingly enough, although the OD is the same.
  14. Nick666

    P6 V8 manifolds and loss of power

    Not yet! Been waiting for a female 7/16" UNF to 8mm hose connector (arrived today) so I can fit a hose to the return. Going to test it out into a jerry can first so I don't drill the tank for nothing. Hopefully this weekend (although have a stack of other jobs to do as well so ....). Sorry...
  15. Nick666

    Land Rover Double-header

    Thanks both! Col - You could be right, but the P6 gang seem to agree theirs all have a return, and that's where this engine came from so... (why some versions of the same engine would need it and others not is another question) and since it's not happy as is I'm willing to give it a go. Easy...
  16. Nick666

    Weird typing

    Same problem here. Takes a very long time to type a response on my phone on this forum. Odd.
  17. Nick666

    Land Rover Double-header

    There isn't a return to the tank, that's what I'm plumbing in, on the basis there should be one so worth seeing if it helps. Ive ordered a 7/16 UNF to 8mm hose adapter, hopefully with a bit of PTFE tape it'll work, just need to keep an eye on it. Sorry Shippers didn't grasp the second bit of...
  18. Nick666

    Land Rover Double-header

    Well had a bit of a tinker today with the V8 - the choke cable needs replacing as has too much movement in the cable where the installer fitted one where the outer sheath doesn't fix at the carb end. So you pull on it and the outer moves around instead of staying fixed thus putting all the...
  19. Nick666

    Carbs - I'm after a favour

    It'd totally be worth having a chat with Burlen (aka SU Carbs, aka Zenith Carbs, aka ... well you get the idea) in Salisbury - I bet they'd be interested in helping with that, in exchange for a nice plug (in the way that the LR Haynes manuals do with their contributors), and you won't get better...
  20. Nick666

    Aiding a Disable person

    Have you spoken to Motability about getting a suitably adapted car? (It might be your mum who has to 'own' it in some way, but at least they know all about adapting vehicles for disability, they'll have done thousands just like this.) Sorry if that's already old news to you of course! Might...