1. B

    Hand held contact less tachometer? where to point?

    Ive seen a few of these hand held contact less tachometers about which basically work via laser,, If I was wanting to know the rpm of my old series 3 landrover, where or what would I have to point this thing too. Has any one on here got one, if so how do you rate them? will await your response:)
  2. B

    Timing a series 3 - Help needed plzzz

    My gut feeling is the problem lies elsewhere,,, ie: sucking air in under carb etc etc.... Ive got it running with the new distributor and coil but exactly the same as it was before with the standard distributor. Gonna re torque all head bolts, re set valve clearances, and give everything a good...
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    Timing a series 3 - Help needed plzzz

    Thanks for your input "CharlesY" much appreciated:)
  4. B

    Timing a series 3 - Help needed plzzz

    Just to update: I emailed simonbbc who I bought the electronic distributor and coil off with some of the questions I had and this is his reply: With points you can use a test light to set the timing static, with electronic systems you can’t. You can set the timing dynamic with a strobe...
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    Timing a series 3 - Help needed plzzz

    I have been trying this also today mate to no avail,, Originally I did have it running like said but becouse it was running rough I did it again to hopefully rectify and then came back to square one (not been able to get it running at all:confused:). Theres is a strong blue spark from each plug...
  6. B

    Timing a series 3 - Help needed plzzz

    Ive just fitted an electronic distributor to my series 3 (2.25 petrol engine) and am struggling to get it timed correctly. Do I set it up as I would a non electronic distributor,using a test lamp.Ive been trying to do this today by setting the correct timing mark then attaching test lamp on the...
  7. B

    Series Electronic Distributor, how easy to install?

    Been trying to get myn sorted all day today,,, actually thought I was getting somewhere at one point as had it running but pretty rough,,, engine vibrating alot and didnt sound 100%. Unfortunatley from there on it seemed to all go wrong and Im back at square one:confused: Ive played around with...
  8. B

    Series Electronic Distributor, how easy to install?

    Yeh keep me posted mate,,, im gonna be having another play around with myn tommorrow and hopefully get somewhere (not holding my breath mind:))
  9. B

    Series Electronic Distributor, how easy to install?

    Are you getting a spark through yours though mate?
  10. B

    Series Electronic Distributor, how easy to install?

    Just an update to what I posted earlier: Ive confirmed with simonbbc the company I bought this set up from and the wiring as above is correct. Ive had a mate round myn today so perfect opportunity to make sure everything was working ok with it. Disconnected lead from coil to top of distributor...
  11. B

    Help needed - Electronic Distributor wiring?

    Fitted the new coil and distributor today,only problem now being cant get it to fire at all:confused: coming from the distributor theres 2 wires a red one and a black one,,, this then clips into the wiring supplied(making it longer so it can reach the coil) so making the wires 1 red and 1...
  12. B

    Series Electronic Distributor, how easy to install?

    Fitted the new coil and distributor today,only problem now being cant get it to fire at all:confused: coming from the distributor theres 2 wires a red one and a black one,,, this then clips into the wiring supplied(making it longer so it can reach the coil) so making the wires 1 red and 1...
  13. B

    Series 3 ignition lead order?

    Just what I was looking for,,think ive sussed it out now (think:rolleyes:),, thanks mate:)
  14. B

    Series 3 ignition lead order?

    So which way round do they go to the distributor,, clock wise or anti clock wise? and wheres the starting point (think ive confused myself now:confused:)
  15. B

    Series 3 ignition lead order?

    This is probly the most simple as question ever asked on landy zone but just want to make sure as my haynes manual has currently been borrowed out:( Im sure there correct but just so I can rule it out, I know the firing order on the series 2.25 petrol is 1342 but can some one confirm for me the...
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    Series Electronic Distributor, how easy to install?

    Did you fit it in the end mate? never got round to doing myn today but im keen to hear how you got on.
  17. B

    Series Electronic Distributor, how easy to install?

    Id be keen to see pics mate,, gonna have a go at fitting myn later today:)
  18. B

    Series Electronic Distributor, how easy to install?

    Myn arrived this morning,, will have a go at fitting it tommorrow when Im home from work. Has yours arrived yet mate and have you fitted it?
  19. B

    Series 3,Changing Head Gasket?

    Yes the cap was removed,, no movment what so ever, Will fit the new distributor when it arrives and update this topic:)