1. P38Seb

    P38A Can anyone identify this centre console trim?

    Well that solves it! Knew someone here would. Chances of finding one of them second hand ain’t happening then!
  2. P38Seb

    P38A Can anyone identify this centre console trim?

    There’s a lot to unpack in there. But the instrument surround looks close to the gear selector and handbrake.. but very different from the centre trim.
  3. P38Seb

    P38A Can anyone identify this centre console trim?

    On the way back from a shopping trip we stopped by a second hand landy dealership and I got sidetracked looking at a couple of the P38s they had there.. Looked in the interior of one them and saw this? (See attached image) Anyone know what it is/from? Ta in advance all!
  4. P38Seb

    P38A HEVAC screen light issue

    Awesome. I’ll try the eraser mentioned further up first before I go grab the solder iron.
  5. P38Seb

    P38A HEVAC screen light issue

    Amazing! Really appreciate the effort you’ve gone to here! Best way to removed the metal strips, would heating up the existing solder and removing them that way? Or just snip them?
  6. P38Seb

    P38A HEVAC screen light issue

    Appreciate it, thank you!
  7. P38Seb

    P38A HEVAC screen light issue

    That was something I considered. I’d seen someone wire in from the other bulbs, but that then only worked when side lights were activated. Is there anything that’s an ignition 12v I can run a wire off?
  8. P38Seb

    P38A HEVAC screen light issue

    Thank you! I’ll dig out my pencil case. I’ll give that a try as well. I’m going to pop to a local Landy specialist tomorrow after I’ve got it regassed and see if they can shed any light before I buy a unit of eBay.
  9. P38Seb

    P38A HEVAC screen light issue

    So I’ve pulled the unit apart and taken a look: The solder appears okay - no obvious signs of cracked solder. No corrosion in the connections. I have sprayed these with contact cleaner to hopefully rid anything that may have been there out. All the lights respond to the dimmer control as...
  10. P38Seb

    P38A HEVAC screen light issue

    Ribbon cable is long gone. It’s already been replaced by the repair option.
  11. P38Seb

    P38A HEVAC screen light issue

    You say obvious.. from memory I don’t think I did. I’ll get that checked in the morning and report back!
  12. P38Seb

    P38A HEVAC screen light issue

    Evening all, you were incredibly helpful last time I posted so I hope you can help again. My HEVAC screen has an annoying bulb issue. Most of the time it doesn’t illuminate, yet at seemingly random times it’ll light up - such as a trip to Bristol it lit up as I parked up, but hasn’t since, it...
  13. P38Seb

    P38A Which diagnostic tool to use?

    So Nanocom it is! That’s what I presume it’ll be, I just want to confirm before I go ripping my dash apart. So the hevac LCD display doesn’t have any damaged pixels, I’ve already done the repair with the new zebra strip thing. The issue I have with that display is the bulb doesn’t illuminate...
  14. P38Seb

    P38A Which diagnostic tool to use?

    Cheers for the replies, both! Looks like piggy bank is going to be raided then! As a left field option I did see that EASUnlock V4 might be an option? I’ve used the free version already to sort a fault on the air suspension, or is the fact it’s the oil burner still going to mean Nanocom is the...
  15. P38Seb

    P38A Which diagnostic tool to use?

    I’ve had my P38 named Big Phil for just over a year now and I’m slowly getting everything sorted to hopefully take it to some shows in the near future. I‘m now looking to get the HEVAC issues I’m facing sorted and I’ve got the book symbol on the display (when I can actually see the screen -...