1. P38Seb

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Seems optimistic.. is that considered low mileage even? Given the seller has done the bare minimum in the listing as well.
  2. P38Seb

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    I’m hoping they’ll have accounted for that as well!
  3. P38Seb

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    It’s definitely side to side play. I’ll give it another look then to see. Reason I suspected bearing is I have no record of them being changed in the paperwork I have and it’s just ticked over 170k miles, I also got an occasional drone around the 60mph mark which appeared intermittently.
  4. P38Seb

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Got the P38 up on the jacks to start replacing air bags.. front OS wheel has a significant knock/play on the side to side. So that’s a wheel bearing/hub assembly need doing. Just phoned the local garage who know the car, £380+VAT. Throw an MOT on top as well, there’s a healthy £500 as well as...
  5. P38Seb

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    That’s my worry. I’ll no doubt post an update once I’ve dug deep. Doing various reading online it does seem like it’s a likely cause.
  6. P38Seb

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Drove from my place in Somerset to Cardiff.. or at least I would have if an EAS fault hadn’t shown itself just outside of Newport. Managed to get off the M4 into a residential street with some free parking while it sat on its bumpstops. Bugger. No worries, I’ve got the OBD cable in the glove...
  7. P38Seb

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Drove from West Somerset to the very north of the Yorkshire Dales for a mountain bike festival. Roof tent, awning, 2 up and all associated kit in the car. 313 miles in total, 3/4 of a tank and avg MPG (according to computer) for 41.8. Car was absolutely faultless.. except for the lack of...
  8. P38Seb

    P38A Battery Du Jour

    There’s already one on order.
  9. P38Seb

    P38A Battery Du Jour

    Update on this. Tested on a load tester, only showing 732A out of what should been 1000A, so weak there! Battery was sat at 12.5v turned off and with the engine running it was at 13.7v. Looks like the culprit is just the battery.
  10. P38Seb

    P38A Battery Du Jour

    Will do, a good friend with the diag software has been around LR products for decades so he’s got a wealth of general Lr knowledge to tap in to.
  11. P38Seb

    P38A Battery Du Jour

    Thanks for the response all. I’m going to get it hooked on to a load tester, and see what’s going on. With the engine running we’re only seeing a battery voltage of 12.5/12.6v so something is amiss.
  12. P38Seb

    P38A Battery Du Jour

    Is that the Mobiletron VR-VW010 you’ve mentioned in another thread a few years back?
  13. P38Seb

    P38A Battery Du Jour

    Christ.. So loosen -ve, ignition on for 10s, turn off and remove key, then countdown of 17s to remove old battery and fit new? Or is it 17s to just disconnect -ve and then all the time in the world to fit new? I’ve done the window resets a few times due to sticky windows so no drama there. Is...
  14. P38Seb

    P38A Battery Du Jour

    Hi all, when I replaced the ABS sensor the other week, a friend had his SnapOn diag tool hooked up checking for a few other issues (glow plugs being one), but it did show up saying the battery voltage was low at 10.7v. The battery has been in there a 🤷‍♂️ amount of time, so probably worth...
  15. P38Seb

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    ABS sensor today.. I’d tried previously but it had decided to ‘permanently’ attach itself to the hub. One mate and a drill and gas torch later we’ve removed it, cleared the codes and thankfully it’s fixed. No beep beep beep on start up now!
  16. P38Seb

    P38A Viscous fan woes

    I am stupid. Took it for a drive. Soon as I pulled away it was dead silent.
  17. P38Seb

    P38A Viscous fan woes

    I’ve just replaced the viscous fan on the P38. Yet the load roar noise is still present, and the fan appears to be running at full chat even when cold. There’s a LOT of air being blown by the fan. I let the engine get up to temp and it’s still there and loud. Is it likely a faulty fan or am I...
  18. P38Seb

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    I’ve taken the advice and told him to put the torch away. Picking up some penetrating fluid later from ScrewFix and will begin the soaking to see if that helps before drilling.
  19. P38Seb

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Got a friend coming over in a few days with a blow torch to give me a hand. Can’t be stuck if it’s a liquid.
  20. P38Seb

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Went to tackle an ABS sensor.. and discovered it’s rusted itself in. Bugger.