1. noel colledge

    Can someone give me some pointers please

    Thanks to all the comments so far, jump leads is a good idea and I will try that in the morning. I have checked for the alternator charging already and its all good at 14.5V at the battery. Like to revise the above on the water issue though in case it triggers something to someone...
  2. noel colledge

    Can someone give me some pointers please

    Hi Can someone please give me some pointers for my electrical and plumbing problems on my 94 200tdi defender 90. (Ex FFR if this helps, 24V not included) Started out of the blue last week, lights were like very dim candles coming home and temp uage looked like it was about to explode...
  3. noel colledge

    FFR Electrical light switch help

    Already done that and dug deeper than an Alabama tick to use the well known predator phrase. There is no connector that I can see anywhere. Thats not to say it has not been removed at some stage in its history though I guess. Some fiddling has gone on behind there at some time. Also seems...
  4. noel colledge

    FFR Electrical light switch help

    Thank you both for the information, its a start at least. I want to remove the switch so I can adapt and use the space for a radio. I did look to see if there was a connector already behind the main dash panel, but could see nothing obvious and of the same fitment and direct...
  5. noel colledge

    FFR Electrical light switch help

    Hi I am looking to do away with the 6 way switch in a 1992 D90 FFR and just use a conventional light switch on the steering column. ( Side Lights, Dip and Main beam, Instruments ) I am not an auto electrician and don't want to cut and splice wires without knowing what I am doing and therefore...
  6. noel colledge

    Project Arthur

    I am always told by err in doors I live on the edge. I think ou should put it in the most comfortable place possible, its a long term project, and deffo next to the kettle. Going to be a bit of head sctraching going on me thinks. Maybe bring the brolly tent down from the decking, or park...
  7. noel colledge

    Project Arthur

    best not make it too comfortable then
  8. noel colledge

    Project Arthur

    still have room for the BBQ
  9. noel colledge

    Project Arthur

    you could always put it under the umbrella that should easily cover it
  10. noel colledge

    Project Arthur

    If you take all the crap from the dash first it will halve the wieght
  11. noel colledge

    2 stroke oil in diesel

    I was told about 200ml to a tank for my Rangie or about 250.1 depending on your tank size
  12. noel colledge

    Project Arthur

    might be easier and quicker to build a little extension around the back for this stuff mate
  13. noel colledge

    2 stroke oil in diesel

    Just wondering if you guys are using synthetic or non synthetic two stroke ( Or if it really matters) Heard the more modern engines need synthetic to get the best from them, but not tried either yet. Any thoughts?
  14. noel colledge

    Project Arthur

    So Deffo on the Chrissy / Bday pressie then. No peeking or unwrapping early now, you will have to wait Thought garage would have been cleared ready by now though
  15. noel colledge

    Project Arthur

    When do you pick it up?