LZ flood watch

    Last time I contacted Wessex 4x4 Response they said they were full and had sufficient members, I think you have to be CRB checked as well....

    Some muppet is stuck

    Seriously??? WTF!! :eek:

    South Dorset Green Laning

    Same issues, my partner has had to keep her horse inside far more than she'd like to as the paddocks will otherwise be in a terrible state. Peoples opinions on responsible laning will always differ, there's been some interesting posts, pics and vids on social media of late that is quite...

    South Dorset Green Laning

    Aw fanks Dom :)

    South Dorset Green Laning

    Cool, will look forward to it ;)

    South Dorset Green Laning

    DLRC is back doing lanes again! - it's still predominantly a trials club but there is demand from the club membership to go laning again so we're doing it. Unfortunately the exceptional weather conditions this winter have not allowed us to go out as much as we would have liked - it would be...

    LZ 10th Anniversary Celebrations

    Sounds promising, well done!

    LZ 10th Anniversary Celebrations

    I can't be arsed to read the whole thread so apologies if this has already been suggested.... Why are you wasting time and effort by doggedly carrying on with a mission for a single, centralised venue? LZ does shows, yes? Bath and West and Billing wasn't it? At these shows you've paid for...

    NERC2 is looming!

    In that case there's no time like the present to start is there? PS - I'm not trying to tell you your job either, we are both experienced in what we do and share a common goal, maybe pooling our respective mental resources is a way to spread the message (and educate those who are not) through...
  10. BOOMER

    NERC2 is looming!

    To continue: 3) keeping lanes cleared back of overgrowth leading to easy access for all. 4) giving disabled people equal rights to those of able bodied people to access the countryside Showing an MP a responsible and conscientious side to our hobby would be advantageous before wallowing down...
  11. BOOMER

    NERC2 is looming!

    No Daft, absolutely no burying heads in the sand required :p You don't see the ramblers ever doing that and look how far their persistence has got them, especially taking into account how the actions of the less responsible 4x4 owners have played right into their hands. As FK 'edited' your...
  12. BOOMER

    NERC2 is looming!

    Need to get our heads together and come up with a plan!
  13. BOOMER

    Another Chip Run Anyone?

    I just want to know all the effort will be justified and don't wish to call upon the services of other people in case their time and effort is also wasted if NERC2 happens. I've already been doing plenty of recce work and other logistical nightmares(!) have been dealt with already, it just...
  14. BOOMER

    Another Chip Run Anyone?

    Dear all, I was really hoping to pull all the stops out with this one, assuming that we don't get legislated out of our hobby beforehand.... Please have a look at the thread I started, there is a very real threat looming...
  15. BOOMER

    NERC2 is looming!

    How many of you are aware that NERC2 is quietly moving its way through the various stages of parliament and could be imposed upon us with little warning? This De-Regulation Bill is apparently now at the Committee Stage. Have a look on this website for starters: http://www.gleam-uk.org/ and...
  16. BOOMER

    Another Chip Run Anyone?

    It's a L O N G way off and in that L O N G period of time we may only have the option of doing a road run - how many of you are aware of a 'NERC2' bill that is very slowly (and quietly) moving it's way through various stages of parliament? If it goes unopposed through parliament 'NERC2' will...
  17. BOOMER

    Another Chip Run Anyone?

    I'm capping the numbers at forty or this thread will get silly over the months - anyone posting after space forty are on the reserve list.... 1 Boomer 2 Suew 3 The v8 man 4 James Martin 5 Cooper 267 6 Drewster 7 200tdi Ayre 8 Dogsbody 9 Sarah90 10 The Mad Hat Man 11 Snifflebag 12 Trewey 13...
  18. BOOMER

    Just Joined

    Well done young feller, I admire your enthusiasm, :welcome2:
  19. BOOMER

    Newbie in the South

    Hello, :welcome2: to this madhouse, I hope you have broad shoulders and thick skin :rolleyes: Oh, how rude of me! I'm assuming that by using the name 'Sinderella' that you are a lady? :p:D Where's the piccie? We like piccies, it's forum :rulez: you know.....
  20. BOOMER

    Another Chip Run Anyone?

    Well thanks for the response peeps, at least I know now that there is more than enough interest to start taking plans for CR3 another stage further. :) Please note that there are no guarantees that it will proceed right at this moment in time, the route is already planned in my head, except...