South Dorset Green Laning

    Sorry guys, I have equestrian duties to perform tomorrow, didn't realise that the RR was booked up to tow the hoss box late morning (I thought it was today :doh:) Hope you have a great day at Matchams, don't forget to put some piccies up and maybe I'll see some of you at the clubs Greenlanes...

    South Dorset Green Laning

    Its right next door, go in wide entrance with a grotty breeze block gatehouse and a barrier/set of metal gates....

    South Dorset Green Laning

    Not much more for me anorl ;)

    D2 Who would buy another

    My old D2 was the best LR I've ever owned and I'd have another without batting an eyelid - if only I could find a late model TD5 Commercial for the right price/condition.....

    South Dorset Green Laning

    Yeah, we could meet at Ivy Cross petrol station in Shaftesbury if you like. I wont know until Saturday evening if I'm going or not, Matchams is easy enough to find though....

    South Dorset Green Laning

    'If you fish patiently, one always bites in the end' :p:D

    South Dorset Green Laning

    Wiltshire Webbed Feet Area - You have been warned! :eek::D

    South Dorset Green Laning

    Well the county line with Zummerzett is only five miles away so I'm oop norf :rolleyes::p:D

    South Dorset Green Laning

    Still up in the air as to whether I'm going to be able to join you, if I do I will be coming down from the north of the county so won't be anywhere near Cooper Dean roundabout as I'll come in to Matchams from the St Leonards end ;)
  10. BOOMER

    Gearbox Fault Light..

    Nope, I think you did, you muppet :rolleyes::D
  11. BOOMER

    Gearbox Fault Light..

    You can ford quite a remarkable depth of water in a P38 so long as the suspension is set high and you keep moving so the rest of the car (and the critical ECUs) is sat in the trough of the bow wave you create, stopping in deep water and loosing that vital trough is when water could get in and...
  12. BOOMER

    South Dorset Green Laning

    Well, fingers crossed then! Laters, time for beer :D
  13. BOOMER

    South Dorset Green Laning

    Well if all goes to plan I'll be at Matchams on the 23rd, just need to check the other halfs diary in case she needs the RR to tow the horsebox that day, be nice to meet up if you're going ;)
  14. BOOMER

    South Dorset Green Laning

    Everything's sodden, think rubber tracks would be better :rolleyes:
  15. BOOMER

    South Dorset Green Laning

    Better tyres? For Dorset?
  16. BOOMER

    Green Lanes Dorset & Hampshire

    There are over 160 legally driveable rights of way within the county, although probably only 70% are usable by 4x4, the remainder are only wide enough for motorbikes. Am happy to help you but would strongly advise against driving any lane on your own, especially as most of them are saturated...
  17. BOOMER

    South Dorset Green Laning

    Yes bud, probably at both :)
  18. BOOMER

    NERC2 is looming!

    http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/jt201314/jtselect/jtdraftdereg/101/10102.htm Section 4:- BOATS and UCRs Be interested in knowing your thoughts....
  19. BOOMER

    Future Land Rover design?

    Santana went bust a few years back
  20. BOOMER

    LZ flood watch

    Bugger, that's reduced my prossie murdering opportunities :rolleyes::D