1. Pumpy


    top job there chaps:5bhurray: So that's... Car park: Light/std Routes between sections: Moderate Everywhere else: Extreme just kidding :p
  2. Pumpy

    Windows and Tax

    It's still going to be "private light goods" so it won't change the tax class, the tax implications for changing "commercial" to "PLG" is about the initial VAT on the vehicle, which is nothing to do with the DVLA. If you bought it and claimed the VAT back as a commercial vehicle, then...
  3. Pumpy

    Finding The Right Landy Is Not Easy!

    Welcome matey. I was in the same boat not so long ago, took me 3 - 4 months of serious searching before I found the right one :) Sounds like you have a good idea what you want, I think you have to be willing to compromise a little on your idea of "perfect" or you'll never find it, there are...
  4. Pumpy

    Off Road Fabrications

    Thanks chaps, I've looked long and hard at them, Jai LR has a good thread on the one he made which looks the business, but I've decided to go with the Extreme 4x4 kit, mount the electrics in the TD5 x-member with a short extension to the detachable drop plate, and leave the NATO hook on for...
  5. Pumpy

    Off Road Fabrications

    Detachable towbar for Defender, check out the extreme 4x4 system, it's a great system but very pricy for what it is. Detachable towbar for Defender designed to fit to a NATO hitch so the ball is standard height, seen a few made by individuals but nothing on the market. Course you might have...
  6. Pumpy

    Why are discos more expensive to insure?

    it could be down to postcode, or that one is garaged or somfink, 3 points adds about £60 on some policies too
  7. Pumpy

    Multifuel burner for my living room.

    That's not too bad Nigel, 8 acres of (wet) pasture was 20k round here, deciduous woodland is higher when it comes up, but it's like rocking horse poo round here, most seems to be owned by large estates. I've been planting for the last 4 yrs, my first coppice cut is 3 yrs away. Funky have you...
  8. Pumpy

    Multifuel burner for my living room.

    If we're comparing apples to apples, how much does several acres of dense woodland cost in West Dorset? ;) I'm sure it's investment value would go up regardless, but real term comparison costs could be worked out by valuing the wood you take out per year at roadside wholesale prices.
  9. Pumpy

    Multifuel burner for my living room.

    Now that would be well worth it, most of the nails would be left in the battons :) I reckon somewhere between 4-6 cube from your average semi, 6 times a year, adds up! I was getting a lot of window frames, door casings, arcatraving, skirting-boards and floorboards, lot of cutting for not a lot...
  10. Pumpy

    Multifuel burner for my living room.

    Since he's not answered before you graced us with your useless opinion, I'm obviously in good company then :p it's only different in the total quantity required, not so much different in the amount of work/fuel/time for a given amount of fuel. e.g. how much work/time/fuel to get 1 cubic...
  11. Pumpy

    Which Land Rover Magazine???

    I went through my "magazine phase" about 25 yrs ago when I was big into windsurfing. After a few yrs I had a pile of mags over 4 ft high, no-one wanted them. If you want reading material you're better off buying decent books you'll keep, or DVDs etc. otherwise it's 30 or 40 quid a year for a big...
  12. Pumpy

    Multifuel burner for my living room.

    Well Johnlad, why don't you put your dummy back in and post something useful, tell us all how much of this scrap wood you get, and give us some idea how much time/effort is involved? Be sure to give a good idea of the sizes of wood you get from re-roofing/renovation jobs, and the level of nails...
  13. Pumpy

    Multifuel burner for my living room.

    It sounds like you can't add up either then :lol: :p 2 yrs cord sat on the ground = 32 days I yrs worth of processing = 6 days 327 doing wtf I want :D
  14. Pumpy

    Multifuel burner for my living room.

    reading between the lines? that's obviously a bit dangerous, what with your level of comprehension :p I say gas is cheaper than wood unless you have access to a lot of free wood, and you jump in with your other side of the coin bollix, implying I'm wrong because you have access to a lot of free...
  15. Pumpy

    Multifuel burner for my living room.

    not if you learn to read.
  16. Pumpy

    Multifuel burner for my living room.

    I'm sorry mate, you missed part of the conversation, in case you are hard of hearing I shout it again "UNLESS YOU HAVE ACCESS TO A LOT OF FREE WOOD GAS IS CHEAPER" :rolleyes:
  17. Pumpy

    Multifuel burner for my living room.

    tbh my stance doesn't have much to do with the accident, it has more to do with trying to feed my log burners for 8 yrs ;) I started out like many of you with rose tinted glasses and ideas about cheap heating, it never worked out that way. For the first few yrs we had access to the...
  18. Pumpy

    Multifuel burner for my living room.

    It took me two years before I started that saw again, great engines them Listers, started first time :D had my balls in my mouth for the first hour :lol:
  19. Pumpy

    Multifuel burner for my living room.

    Yeah OK now, still a bit of nerve damage, and the cold plays hell with it. I coulda been the next Jimi Hendrix though :lol: now I can't play barre chords :( Still, I can bang a few songs out round the campfire, I never fancied life as a superstar anyway :lol: Ironically it was collecting...
  20. Pumpy

    Multifuel burner for my living room.

    I only had the hook for 8 weeks after they sewed it back on, but it went black and started rejecting me:lol: so I had to go back in and have the bloody thing cut off again :rolleyes: got so out of shape sitting around on my ass for 7 months that my back went out really bad, so bad I had...