1. O

    South yorkshire

    Pete that last lane !! How that sheep turned back to a wolf !!
  2. O

    South yorkshire

    What a top weekend some top draw lanes some of them a right surprise !! Thanks to PAUL D for all his time organising & making it all happen cheers Paul we owe you a weekend with your feet up cheers mate !!!
  3. O

    South yorkshire

    Sat in rangie having cup of tea it's raining of course !! Overrated this tent lark !! Would still be sock in in mi campa n it be dark lol might have to start whistling like a kettle !!!!
  4. O

    South yorkshire

    Me n Stace could have done with a trailer for booze !! Lol
  5. O

    South yorkshire

    Philip ??? That's just ruined my vivid imagination lol
  6. O

    South yorkshire

    Chanel 10 as always nice to see you pander so much to the pussie Pete !!! You are a true ladies man we all love you for it !!!
  7. O

    South yorkshire

    Over 30 I am ! Yet so looking forward to this one. !!! Already know we got great company !! So just need great lanes n great weather to make this one we remember for time to come !!
  8. O

    South yorkshire

    What no BBQ gas?
  9. O

    South yorkshire

    Go for tea ??? Thought we were camping BBQ etc lol
  10. O

    South yorkshire

    Should have failed it for having that dirty Leeds scarfe in it !! Lol
  11. O

    South yorkshire

    Wow that looks great route Paul getting well ready for time with lads talking usual political stuff i sorting out world affairs !! Without our little chats eu would be right in **** !! Lol
  12. O

    South yorkshire

    Nice little taster that Paul see you Monday mate
  13. O

    South yorkshire

    Lol you never know
  14. O

    South yorkshire

    Yes Pete no probs
  15. O

    South yorkshire

    One stop urban road hexthorpe dn 4oew
  16. O

    South yorkshire

    Don't forget chaps b chapess's meeting at workshop 1st Monday in month this time venue one stop hexthorpe main agenda sorting out our CtoCweekend trip
  17. O

    HiDeeHi & Sarah90 Birthday Wales Trip 21st & 22nd June 2014

    Great pickies sue enjoy your second day !!
  18. O

    South yorkshire

    Well boys enjoy workshop meet stock check off fridge ( cold ones ) done !! Already for mi annual trip to le Mann 24hr week boozing bonanza !! Have fun cos I will for sure
  19. O

    Lakes trip, end of may

    Tut tut !! Lmao
  20. O

    Lakes trip, end of may

    Enjoy your weekend all !! Keep posting pickies plz !!