1. Lt A

    hi guys and girls

    "Too close for missiles switching to penis" :cool:
  2. Lt A

    engine trouble (and hi all)

    Thats what I said to myself but I had such an argument with myself that I just couldn't agree. That voice in my head just kept saying "Targets will fall when hit"
  3. Lt A

    engine trouble (and hi all)

    OOh Mr Slob I do believe you bit!
  4. Lt A

    engine trouble (and hi all)

    Spot on Mr MHM! Chill Mr Shutty I'm moved that you are worried for my mortality - however the 120 was a one off on an air field - not my usual speed in my Lanny - as for looking at myself my psychiatrist says I'm fine !! :cool:
  5. Lt A

    hi guys and girls

    Hi Basky welcome to the forum - as Caesar once said! see youv'e got the testosterone replacement recipients bickering already! Bless them they feel insecure and threatened by females and "Gaylander" owners. Have fun :) Clive
  6. Lt A


    Thats Lieutenant to you Mr Yella and fightin talk where I come from. "Son your ego is writing cheques your'e body can't cash!" :cool:
  7. Lt A


    Hi Carly welcome to the Land of Rover. Not been here long myself - be careful - those testosterone boys get really hyperactive about girls and blokes with "Gaylanders" sic. Have fun!! :) C
  8. Lt A

    engine trouble (and hi all)

    Oh dear I seem to have upset so many people by pointing out that my 2004 "Gaylander" TD4 HSE command shift with all the girlie extras is capable of 120mph. Well pop pickers I was surprised myself that such a beast was capable of such speed even after being chipped, but that little BMW diesel...
  9. Lt A

    Hi everyone

    Thanks for the welcome Cabbie. Im very happy with the sexuality of my truck ! ha ha - As an ex FV432 and Warrior commander/driver I've used up most of my testosterone in Germany, Canada and the Middle East doing some "serious" off-roading!! BTW I'm originally from York - Is it still baltic up...
  10. Lt A

    engine trouble (and hi all)

    Hi Chrissie, I can sympathise with the "service" complaint. Not sure if yours was from a main dealer or private seller. I got my TD4 from Heathwood's now Stratstones near Heathrow and all I've had is crap service and bull**** from them. If you do get a replacement engine or Freelander get the...
  11. Lt A

    Land Rover Film Stars

    How about this one - Quatermass and the Pit, this thread could go on for ever! C
  12. Lt A

    Hi everyone

    GayLander? is that the pink version thats famous for being rear ended ?
  13. Lt A

    Hi everyone

    Like to think i'm pretty thick skinned !! thanks for your welcome. C
  14. Lt A

    Hi everyone

    Hi everyone, had my TD4 for 3 years now and its still going strong. The forum looks good. Looking forward to some good threads.