1. rob_bell

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    Save them in your favourites then lol
  2. rob_bell

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    Early delivery and the word hadn’t got out before you got there???
  3. rob_bell

    Wanted Freelander 1 parts wanted

    Ouch! Wish her a speedy recovery from me! I guess you've seen @andyfreelandy 's posts - he may be able to help with the replacement of the damaged parts!
  4. rob_bell

    Wanted Freelander 1 parts wanted

    Ouch! Sorry to hear that Philip - hope she's okay?
  5. rob_bell

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    I'm on your side: safety and performance are non-negotiable ;)
  6. rob_bell

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    +1 ^^ Totally right to be OCD on brakes and also on tyres!
  7. rob_bell

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    Very smart! :D
  8. rob_bell

    Three Amigos Help

    I was hoping to offer some amazing revelation and solution, but it does sound like you're approaching the problem in a methodical way. I have had plenty of fun on my FL1 with those friendly three chums, and on mine it has been related to front wheel sensors or the Yaw sensor. In each case, my...
  9. rob_bell

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    Oh no… and mine has a similar noise now. D’oh!
  10. rob_bell

    Freelander 1 What ECUs in TD4 2002?

    That’s the car Philip’s wife has - so a pscan has this covered. :D
  11. rob_bell

    Freelander 1 What ECUs in TD4 2002?

    Hi Stefan, which Freelander do you own? I believe that pscan will cover them all, as I have lent Philip mine so it would work on all available systems including the TEVES Mk20 ABS unit (which doesn't have consistent coverage on other units).
  12. rob_bell

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    I know - quite a shock to many lol
  13. rob_bell

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    I’ll never get a quote that cheap owing to the postcode lottery of perceived insurance risks!!! bah humbug. One day I’ll get out of London! Lol
  14. rob_bell

    Maximum tyre widths for wheel size

    That's another check, but all wheels fit all models, as the engine range has been limited on the DS and brakes are generally the same across models... But good point! :)
  15. rob_bell

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    Actually, maybe not an error, if the BFG website can be relied on...? There's hope then. I'll trial fit the wheel and see what the clearance to the struts are like...
  16. rob_bell

    Maximum tyre widths for wheel size

    Not quite - its for my Disco Sport - I have 7J ET45 17" rims for an Evoque to replace the 20" ones on the car currently, purchased so I can take the Disco off the tarmac. 235 section tyres with a slight increase in height and rolling diameter would work really well (and available in suitable...
  17. rob_bell

    Am I being daft getting a freelander?

    Remap doesn't sadly transform the 1.8 - but it does change the character: it now feels like a big, 4-wheel drive MG ZR! The handling however, remains very much FL1 LOL! My usual exhaust place has lost its manifold fabricator. So I may look into buying a second hand 4-2-1 manifold for an MGF or...
  18. rob_bell

    Maximum tyre widths for wheel size

    Really helpful, thanks! :D Yes, I agree - and I'd go narrower if I could, but I think I'll end up having to wider just for availability... I may actually be better off getting a wider 7.5J rim to be honest, but it is annoying when I managed to score a set of 17" rims that will work on the car...
  19. rob_bell

    Am I being daft getting a freelander?

    Head gaskets are easy to replace if you’re handy with a spanner and socket set. There are a few things to check - the most important being whether the alloy head has lost its hardness, but otherwise fine and actually a number of helpful guides on line! VCU failure tends to ruin the IRD, which...