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    Rear tub removal on high capacity 110

    Cheers guys, was at Peterborough Saturday @ LR show and saw a product called raptor and thought I'd spray the tub with this stuff.
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    Rear tub removal on high capacity 110

    Hi how easy is it to remove the rear tub on a high capacity 110 pickup??? Any tips please Cheers
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    Right ok cheers, I've tighten up and cleaned the area up and placed a drip tray underneath to see if it leaks anymore. Any preference on what to top up with or just go by what haynes suggests if it does, best get one as well....doh
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    So should I be supporting this whilst wheels are off as I have front end on axle stands whilst waiting for parts to re do brakes and brackets plus pipes and hoses??????
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    Should I tighten these up again and I take it I'll need to top this up??? It's all new to me this defender maintenance lark.......lol
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    Yes as I'm replacing these brackets as they snapped off, but only loosened the 2 bolts not removed as there is a bearing or pin under here so I've been told and to take care when removing bracket?????
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    Just come out to this after removing brake calipers Saturday. Left steering on full lock over night. Can anyone tell me is this a strip down job and replace seals, there's always been a bit of seepage but nothing like this.
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    Front disc brakes

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    Just come out to this after removing brake calipers Saturday. Left steering on full lock over night. Can anyone tell me is this a strip down job and replace seals, there's always been a bit of seepage but nothing like this.
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    Front disc brakes

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    Front disc brakes

    Hi I need to rebuild both front disc calipers on my 89 110, found that I need the brackets that hold the copper brake pipe to flexi hose as well the pipes from caliper to flexi hose. So the brake pads for the front I got from paddocks are stc2952m so does anyone know what seal kit I need and...
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    110 pick up tarpaulin

    Hi wanting to know if anyone could recommend a cover for the rear tub on my 110 commercial, don't want a solid cover just a hardwaring waterproof cover that clips over the sides. Cheers
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    Fuel sender

    Hi This is what I've removed.
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    Fuel sender

    Will do, this evening cheers Alfhare
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    Fuel sender

    If you could please Mick. Fuel pick up?????? It's all new to me!!!! Cheers Alfhare
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    Fuel sender

    Hi, Just wondering which fuel sender I need as the one I removed had 3 wires and just a float arm and is side mounted. It’s off a 110 with tank at rear with the sender fitting in from the side, it did at one time have a V8 but now has a 300TDI engine. Seen some with a tube fitted and some...
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    Glow plug prc6913

    Here I have a glow plug relay which I got from LR show in Peterborough with a bit of wiring loom attached. Wire colours are thick Brown n Orange Thick Yellow n Black Thin black n yellow 2x Black thin wire Slightly thicker Black wire than Black n Yellow and the 2 Black wires. Brown n red goes...
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    rear petrol tank

    cheers jamesmartin, something else to add to my shopping and to do list......
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    rear petrol tank

    so Ive attached photos the lift pump is feed from the bottle looking thing, also there is a pipe that goes to carb and a hose from tank. as you can see there is a pipe that has been bent over and cable tied so to prevent anthing coming out i assume. if any one can enlighten me on any of this...
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    rear petrol tank

    i see but my lift pump is connected to a a glass bottom thing attached to bulkhead under the bonnet, so if i bought desiel sender would i have to bypass this and fit direct to lift pump or just buy a sender without a stack pipe???? i think ill have another look and take pictures on what ive got...