1. juiceyv8

    swap my gaylander for disco

  2. juiceyv8

    Hello! New RangeRover classic owner.

    Drain some box oil and let us know the colour.
  3. juiceyv8

    Td4 injectors different part numbers

    Either new, recon, or part no superceeded.
  4. juiceyv8

    TD4 blue/white smoke on start up

    Blocked breathers??
  5. juiceyv8

    Hey, another new one...

    How about this??? Plenty to choose from round your way:D
  6. juiceyv8

    freelander hill decent

    We are free if you want a push start. :D:D:D
  7. juiceyv8

    freelander hill decent

    Leave it in neautral. Handbrake off. Get out and let it decend itself.:D
  8. juiceyv8

    My new v8

    readings and average @ 185 is a good mate.
  9. juiceyv8

    Any advice please !

    Do a search for ####s sake.:mad:
  10. juiceyv8

    Range Rover Classic For sale

    Ain't worth 1600 unless someone is desperate.
  11. juiceyv8

    110 parts needed

    Fu.ck!!!! Pity I turned up when most of the buffet had been eaten.:mad::rolleyes: Where has stroppy bollock.s gone too?? Change his tampon over.. I suggest he get the size for facthunts :D
  12. juiceyv8


    :rolleyes::rolleyes: Here we go.:D
  13. juiceyv8

    Oops - took my v8 RRC swimming !!!

    ####ing pie fone Goon. The other method would wash all the moisture out.:p:D Who's ####ing idea were the ****ing hash tags.?? Loada ****ing bollocks if you ask me.!!
  14. juiceyv8

    Oops - took my v8 RRC swimming !!!

    Put the ECU in the airing cupboard on the hot water pump.
  15. juiceyv8

    New From Mersyside.

    All wo-mans are thieves..... Usually the blokes wages for their ****.:rolleyes::D
  16. juiceyv8

    New From Mersyside.

    Steals a Landy and joins landyzone. Airrrrrrrrrrrm!!!
  17. juiceyv8

    Landy zone the unfriendly forum

    Whats wrong with all these noobs?? we give them all this abuse. What more do they want!?? Next thing they will form a bloody union. FFS:mad:
  18. juiceyv8

    Just a quick hi

    If you can't take a joke then you shouldn't have joined.;)
  19. juiceyv8

    scream from engine when on boost!

    Has it lost power and sounds like a dentist drill??
  20. juiceyv8

    hi newbie :-!

    Bunch of 'alf jobbers who don't even bother staying for the abuse anymore.:rolleyes::D