1. V

    fuel system help

    Pump bought and a baby grinder :D
  2. V

    fuel system help

    Any tips of cutting and where to cut also pipes etc to look out for ?
  3. V

    fuel system help

    dropping tank is not viable , my parking is on the road .
  4. V

    fuel system help

    how much space is there between floor pan and tank ? trying to decide on cutting tool .
  5. V

    fuel system help

    off to pick up a pump from bearmach today .
  6. V

    fuel system help

    i havent and not sure about aa guy . i have swapped relays around to check though and all is fine .
  7. V

    fuel system help

    cars been sat a week while ive been in spain ;)
  8. V

    fuel system help

    Brands hatch is where I am . If possible I would buy it and pay for next day postage , I hired a car til monday so have a few days on my side . Thanks again .
  9. V

    fuel system help

    Cheers will try get it done tomorrow if I can get parts .
  10. V

    fuel system help

    Is standard tank pump way to go or get an uprated one ?
  11. V

    fuel system help

    No fuel so defo pump then .
  12. V

    fuel system help

    This is what I think has happened ive checked threads out already and it does seem like the pump in tank is not pushing fuel up and a weak tank pump can cause the hot start issue I have . For the cost of a pump think I'll give this ago . Thanks Steve000 Trust me bikini comps are frustrating haha
  13. V

    fuel system help

    Brands hatch is West kingsdown so not far indeed :D Perhaps my rangie dont like it up here but loved it in chatham .
  14. V

    fuel system help

    Lol tea and hob nobs is king . West kingsdown Kent .
  15. V

    fuel system help

    No messages on dash and aa guy tested wire . Main dealer it is then .
  16. V

    fuel system help

    AA guy checked fuses and I have a loose cut wire which I think is to the solenoid this has been like this prior to my buying it .
  17. V

    fuel system help

    afternoon all , problem i have is my RR is turning over but not firing i had driven an hour down the motorway to take wifey to do her bikini comp , during a very long day of watching near naked oiled up bikini clad women i decided to go for a sleep in the motor . i plugged my phone in to...
  18. V

    Max speed 35mph

    Not just yet :)
  19. V

    Max speed 35mph

    so it turns out the problem was a tiny little earth wire . all sorted now .
  20. V

    Max speed 35mph

    Thanks I'll have a look although someone said its not connected to any actual speed controller on the vehicle so i really dunno lol